Showing posts with label Running. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Running. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2022

Marathon Countdown

Very little on the running front lately. I'm still depressed over the Dutchman's death and don't feel like blogging or Tweeting or working on my next book. I look for reasons not to do anything. But the marathon approaches this Sunday and I'm not so bummed out that I'd eat the race fee, hotel room, or months of training.

My goal remains to once again break five hours. Last year's Surfers Point race only counted a hundred or so marathon runners. Lots of elbow room. The CIM sports around 10k. That means close contact with my fellow humans in the first few miles. So I've factored that in as an asset to slow me down when every instinct cries, "Take off!"

Despite my grief, the race must go on. As Auden said in Musee des Beaux Arts

"About suffering they were never wrong,

The Old Masters: how well they understood

Its human position; how it takes place

While someone else is eating or opening a window or just

walking dully along;"

Monday, November 07, 2022

Coyotes on the Fairway
Three of them. Rain kept away all by the most fanatic golfers. Same for runners as I had the trails to myself. But glancing over toward theWilson-Harding golf course in the early afternoon, I spotted a trio of coyotes, all with their heads down, still as oil paintings. Splashing past, I figured they were waiting for rain water to force up some gophers. But there have been a lot of coyotes out and about lately. Perhaps LA DA George Gascon releases them per his cashless bale ways. Feral bastard; same for the coyotes.

Speaking of running, my California International Marathon arrives the first Sunday of December. My training has been erratic, but I'm standing strong on my 4:59 finish. This training cycle, my longest run will be 16 miles. Because I'm so darn slow, a run of 20 miles ala last year takes almost as much time as the marathon itself. The body takes a beating and needs more time to recover. And since the benefits of long slow distance wane around three to three and a half hours, I'm game to discover the benefits of running less. (Should they exist.)

This time last year I was aglow from Surfers Point.

Let's see what kind of glow awaits in Sacramento.

Thursday, October 06, 2022

Falling While Running v.2

Why Do You Do That?

Not by choice, but I'm old and possess hobbit-like feet without all the hair, and was running in thick Hokka trainers that cut me off from the ground. Anyway, while running ten miles yesterday on the rocky trails leading into the Angeles National Forest, I hit a rock and fell.

This happens once or twice a training session and I've gotten better at dealing with it. First of all, I don't fight the fall and avoid tensing up. Second, I perform a half-roll while in motion. This mitigates the scrapping away of flesh and the impact of striking the ground. Unlike March where I rolled into chaparral,  this time I was unmarred. Of course, wearing excessive sun block, my legs were breaded with dirt.

The fall was witnessed by three people and two dogs. A woman asked, "Are you all right? Did you hit a rock?"

I replied, "The only thing hurt is my dignity."

She smiled.

A couple asked, "Are you all right?"

I said, "Only my pride was damaged."

They smiled the weak grin of the uncertain.

All that aside, training continues for the California International Marathon, taking place the day before my birthday. The longest runs will take place over the next two months. I'm going to experiment with limiting my long runs to no more than three and a half hours. Recent info informs me that any time on my feet more than that won't help my overall aerobics. It also takes more time to recover. Last year's 21-miler was rough. Perhaps I can do less with more. 

Friday, September 09, 2022


 Well, finally, it's about time!

I'm proud to announce the launch of:

How to Run a Marathon in 13 Years

How Hard Would You Fight For Your Dreams?

Back in November, in the wake of Surfers Point, I began assembling my notes, blog posts, Team in Training material, etc. It's been a long ten months, with many side tracks necessary to learn Aweber or Lumen 5 or Atticus or some other form of software necessary to self-publish. I'm already past this book, thinking of the next one. But I learned from prior publications that the job of really promoting your books begins NOW. In ten days, the price of the ebook jumps to 4.99. Grab it for under a buck today. Meanwhile, I think I'll celebrate in some low-key manner. 


Cornerstone Media

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Award-Winning Nonfiction Memoir

 Yes, that would be MY award-winning, nonfiction memoir. Thanks to a sterling review by editor-in-chief Thomas Anderson, How to Run a Marathon in 13 Years received a Literary Titan Gold Book Award. (As depicted below.) I'm just vain enough to plaster that award everywhere.

Literary Titan

Friday, September 02, 2022

Promotions and Reviews and Book Sales, Oh, Goodness Me!!

 Coming Soon! You Have Been Warned!


It's only fair. With the release of my book on perseverance, acceptance, and running a lot, the early launch of the paperback edition, and a busy August, the next two weeks will be a blizzard of promotional back-scratching, self back-patting, and old-fashioned look-at-me-ism. 

Deals are lined up and in the pipeline on a variety of fronts. I am obliged to promote; promote loudly. Then I will fade quietly away until its time to hawk the next book. That's why the stinking things don't sell very well. I reward myself with little vacations that stretch into considerable time blocks. 

In any case, the levee has been breached. The marketing flood waters surge. You will know of this book.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Publishing Blues

September 9 is the day and I'm really behind with the print book. I sit down in front of the computer in the morning and arose myself sometime in the late afternoon or evening. Most of the challenges involve formatting. Lately, my laptop goes with me into the living room where I turn on the TV and concentrate on the laptop.

Very weary of all this self-publishing business. The next book goes out to publishers. I can write another one while the first is being rejected. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Two Free Chapters to Running Book


 Not the two free chapters to a discounted nonfiction, inspirational memoir launching Friday, September 9. No. Not that. However, it's jaw-dropping that I've posted twice in one day. Naturally, I want something. 

Stop by my landing page (Aweber's landing page), leave your name and email and receive the first two chapters to How to Run a Marathon in 13 Years. Should you be tempted to purchase, just know that the ebook is .99 and will remain so until September 16. Then, as is customary in this country, the price will rise like one of Elon Musk's rockets.

Hope you enjoy the writing. I'm preparing the manuscript for ebook and softcover formatting. I'm also preparing to not self-publish anything, ever again. 

Of course, I've said that after marathons.

One Year Ago in Running



It's almost to the day last August when I ran my first ten miler in many a year, enroute to Surfers Point Marathon

Now I'm enroute to the California International Marathon just as if it were 2008. They've been sending me invitations since I injured myself back in the day. I opened one last month and thought it might be fun to give it a try. 

I intend to break five hours. That's 11:27 a mile. It seems doable, but I will have a vacation in the middle of my training. I've planned around it, given myself more time. The vacation shouldn't interrupt the mileage buildup.

The book slogs forward toward its Sept. 9 release. I'm sooooo tired of it, but need to push on as if it were mile 24.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

#1 in Track and Field Outdoors

That's the category on colossus Amazon that I currently hold top spot in. Behold! Proof of a sort. Nevertheless, I'm delighted and you will be as well come September when the book is released and the price goes up. A pleasant Wednesday to all.

Discounted for now.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Marathon Landing Page Up and Running

A bit of word play, but, at last, the stinking thing is working. There's so much more to learn, but it seemed I'd never leave the starting block with Aweber. If you'd like notification as to when the book will be published, then visit Not only will you be in the loop, but you'll receive a free inflation-fighting ebook with loads of money-saving links. Pardon me, but I'm long overdue for a collapse.

That's not me running.

Monday, July 04, 2022

My 6th July 4th Run


On prior Independence Days—2007  2010   2015  2019 2021—I've run twice at the Rose Bowl and thrice at the Independence Day Classic up in Santa Clarita. All have been 5ks. All save 2015 have been formal races offering tee-shirts and—as times changed—bling.

Today I broke with precedent. While I again ran Santa Clarita, this time I chose the 10k. I can't say why. Possibly because I haven't run a formal 10k since 2008 (where I was aced out of an age-group medal.) 6.2 miles has been a jinxed distance ever since. In 2020, two 10ks were cancelled because of COVID. In the run-up to my 2021 marathon, I missed a 10k training race because my wife was ill. Something always seemed to happen.

Except for today. A sunny morning with cool morning temperatures and a small race field. This was my first race since last November's Surfers Point. In May when I signed up, I thought I'd train hard and attempt to break one hour. As it was, working on the marathon book ate up time. I ran and all, but it wasn't specific to the 10k and I ended up light on speed work.

Still and all, like races past, I slept poorly the previous night, didn't want to get up, didn't want to run, but went anyway. At 7:00 AM, off I went on a bike trail, three miles  out and 3.2 miles back. The night before I'd figured out a goal time: 1:07:00. That was two minutes faster then last summer's unofficial 10k. It seemed a reasonable achievable goal.

For the first time in a race I used the running app on my phone. I wanted half-mile splits so I could adjust my pace. It worked fine. By mile two, the race leaders were already passing me, bound for the finish line. I passed a few people, always leaning forward to give it a little gas as I did so. My hips seemed loose and flowed back on passing and downhills. 

At the turn-around, I sped up a bit. The night before, and in my car prior to the race, I'd listened to YouTube meditations for runners. It helped as I noticed myself tensing up in the neck and lower back and was able to release the pressure. 

I played leap-frog with a short woman in her thirties. She had quick loud feet. I always knew when she would pass. I caught up with her on a downhill and shot by. A guy I'd passed earlier, passed me on mile 4. On mile 5 I passed a woman, then tried to catch up with another group of runners, but they were too fast. 

As a seasoned racer, I knew to remove my sunglasses before I reached the end so as not to spoil the finish line photo. 


Not bad; a 10:24 pace.

Plus there were age group awards, three deep. I finished third in the 65-69 male age group. There are speedy runners up in Santa Clarita in all age groups. I was fortunate to snag a nice little plaque.

I'm thinking of going back to bed now. If I'm planning on training for another marathon this year, I'd better make up my mind soon. But not today.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Mental Toughness Overcomes The Quits



Yesterday was a perfect example. I didn't run Friday. If I wished to maintain my weekly mileage, I'd need to run further than usual on Saturday. I didn't want to. So I busied myself with many tasks as the day wore on, growing hotter by the hour. By late afternoon, I told myself it was too hot to run. 

Somehow, I made it out the door. At Griffith Park, an event was occupying the parking area I usually used. Trivial? When The Quits are upon you, the little things are weaponized. Finally, I set out to run 7 miles. Before I reached 3, I wanted to quit. I considered stopping at 4. Then 5. By 5.5 I was close enough to 7 to finish up. 

I didn't use my usual weapons of positive affirmations and visualizations. But I did say to myself, 'Not just yet.' It proved enough.

And The Quits lurk in every facet of my life. The rationalizations, the excuses. But they are vulnerable to persistence. Yesterday was a victory. Today, the board is cleared and it begins again: me vs. me.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Seven Miles in May

Health and Well-Being


A perfect morning for running with the temperate in the low 60s and a nice marine layer. I focused on staying relaxed and hydrated. Now I'm done with the seven miles and working to finish the third draft on my running book. Two coaches are standing by to review the manuscript so I'm hurrying it up. (Pausing only to blog.)

And while the book is readable by strangers, more drafts await. I still don't like the last chapter. Anyway, I can start getting feedback now.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Longest Run Since the Marathon

How Long Exactly?

Seven miles, to be precise. I employed a 4x1 run/walk ratio and finished the last mile in 10:38. I passed a runner more elderly than I as we both enjoyed good running weather—around 70 degrees with a light breeze. 

My book is parked between drafts two and three. Many tasks require my attention including setting up a new email site, redesigning my author website, and creating a lead magnet for people signing up for said website.

There's also lining up editorial reviewers, regular reader reviewers, a proof reader and copy editor, designing a back cover for the softcover version and researching audio books. 

Everything takes longer than you think and costs a bit more than your budget. But that's the yoke of self-publishing. 

According to research, non-fiction books don't sell as well in summertime. Since I won't be ready by June, I'm aiming for a Labor Day release. Friday, September 2 is the tenative release date. 

I love the cover design and am excited about putting out the book. More soon.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Falling While Running

I'm good at it. I have the knack. However, not since marathon training last fall have I sustained a tumble. And not since 2019 have I banged myself up so neatly.

Running two miles uphill on asphalt, I elected to tackle a substantial hill along narrow walking trails. Lizards scuttled out of my way. But it didn't take long to note that the trail was covered in scree—small rocks—over more substantial rocks. My shoes were not designed for trail running. Slipping, I scrambled up a 40 degree slope realizing I'd need to return the same way on a surface without much purchase.

Rising up before me was a sixty degree slope. I turned around. 

Too late.

The way back down was like roller skating on plexiglass. You couldn't slow down. At one point, I felt myself accelerating. Seconds away from losing control and landing on rocks, I chose the lessor of two hurtful evils: I feel into the chaparral. The tangled thorny bushes cushioned my fall but left me with the interesting markings displayed below.

No more unknown dirt trails.

Can't really see the scrape too well. It's just above the knee.

Here is a charming bouquet of wounds.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Running Book Crosses Finish Line

At 1:38 PM Pacific Time this fine day I completed the first draft of my marathon book. It falls into the novella category, running 108 pages and almost 40k words. That will change as I slim it down, augment with an appendix explaining various running terms and techniques, and craft front and back matter.

But for all that, the research was assembled and the text written in around three months. That could just be a new record for me. 

So I'll let the book simmer while my subconscious sorts out matters of narrative and style. 

More soon.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Running Book Speeding to Release

And not just any book: mine. Hoping to have an ebook version up by March 25. It's a short, snappy read about my 13-year journey to once more run a marathon. 

Be careful what you wish for.

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Notes on Running Goals

Busy this morning with my 2021 running recap. Last January, I totaled up my 2020 stats—ran 363 miles, etc,—then totaled the mileage on my various running shoes,* then wrote seven goals for 2021. Here they are:

  1. Run consistently with excellent form. 
  2. Increase cadence to 170.
  3. Postpone Mesa 10k
  4. Lose 30 pounds
  5. Run a 10k by July
  6. Run 10 miles by December
  7. Use info in old running log

How did I do?

  1. In 2021 I ran 623 miles. I only slacked off post-marathon and due to recent illness. My form—chi running form—wavered in its excellence. As I entered double-digit miles, I would lose focus, run sloppy, and tire myself out. More attention on form this year.
  2. By September my feet were hitting the ground 170 times a minute. (I measure with a metronome.) Jogtunes explains why cadence matters to runners.
  3. Race officials canceled the 10k because of COVID. I only had to call and cancel my hotel reservation.
  4. By marathon week I weighed 220 pounds, down from the 250s in January. 
  5. Missed July, but ran a 10k in September. (First since April 2008.)
  6. On August 17 I reached the Elmer Smith Bridge, slapped the metal sign, and returned to my starting point at Lot K for another first. 
  7. Rattled by the rumbling approach of the marathon, I would leaf through my old notes in an emergency. But just because the info is old doesn't necessarily mean its dated. I've got plenty of data and training tips from my TNT days. All hard-earned. I need to take better advantage of that.

Nothing in 2022?

Stlll calculating as well as checking the calendar. Since I'm already on record as stating I wanted to break 30 minutes in the 5k, consider that goal number one. Goal number two will be to break 5 hours in a marathon. (4:59:59 if you please.) That's a pace of 11:27 a mile. All I need now is select the marathon and work backwards, charting out my training weeks. (Then train properly and not get injured.😎) Let's say five more running goals will be forthcoming.

God willing, I'll update in early 2023.

Now, I need to show the same goal-setting dedication with my writing.

*Like cheap tires, the cushioning of running shoes wears thin after several hundred miles. And, like tires, its best to rotate your shoes during training. Replace as needed. (Or when you can afford a new pair.)

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Memories Hurt
Writing a non-fiction ebook about my long journey to once again run a marathon. Fascinating trying to remember back. Time obscures much. I have this blog and my running logs but there's big gaps in other areas as I try to reconstruct the years without boring the crap out of readers. Basically my life revolved around no money, no work, trying to run, and fascinating medical complications. 

I'm depressed just recalling it all. 

Good progress overall. Probably less than a hundred pages. I'm looking to launch early next year.  

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John P. McCann Sizzle Page

'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...