Showing posts with label goal setting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goal setting. Show all posts

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Why I Fail at Setting Goals

Cleaning out some old papers, I found my writing goals for 2013. Intense, detailed, with follow-ups. Yet by year's end I'd accomplished only a tiny fraction. Joseph Tan explains why.

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Notes on Running Goals

Busy this morning with my 2021 running recap. Last January, I totaled up my 2020 stats—ran 363 miles, etc,—then totaled the mileage on my various running shoes,* then wrote seven goals for 2021. Here they are:

  1. Run consistently with excellent form. 
  2. Increase cadence to 170.
  3. Postpone Mesa 10k
  4. Lose 30 pounds
  5. Run a 10k by July
  6. Run 10 miles by December
  7. Use info in old running log

How did I do?

  1. In 2021 I ran 623 miles. I only slacked off post-marathon and due to recent illness. My form—chi running form—wavered in its excellence. As I entered double-digit miles, I would lose focus, run sloppy, and tire myself out. More attention on form this year.
  2. By September my feet were hitting the ground 170 times a minute. (I measure with a metronome.) Jogtunes explains why cadence matters to runners.
  3. Race officials canceled the 10k because of COVID. I only had to call and cancel my hotel reservation.
  4. By marathon week I weighed 220 pounds, down from the 250s in January. 
  5. Missed July, but ran a 10k in September. (First since April 2008.)
  6. On August 17 I reached the Elmer Smith Bridge, slapped the metal sign, and returned to my starting point at Lot K for another first. 
  7. Rattled by the rumbling approach of the marathon, I would leaf through my old notes in an emergency. But just because the info is old doesn't necessarily mean its dated. I've got plenty of data and training tips from my TNT days. All hard-earned. I need to take better advantage of that.

Nothing in 2022?

Stlll calculating as well as checking the calendar. Since I'm already on record as stating I wanted to break 30 minutes in the 5k, consider that goal number one. Goal number two will be to break 5 hours in a marathon. (4:59:59 if you please.) That's a pace of 11:27 a mile. All I need now is select the marathon and work backwards, charting out my training weeks. (Then train properly and not get injured.😎) Let's say five more running goals will be forthcoming.

God willing, I'll update in early 2023.

Now, I need to show the same goal-setting dedication with my writing.

*Like cheap tires, the cushioning of running shoes wears thin after several hundred miles. And, like tires, its best to rotate your shoes during training. Replace as needed. (Or when you can afford a new pair.)

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Heavens Align for a Good Run

Well, perhaps nothing that grand. 

But I ran four miles today, dashing out early to take advantage of the marine layer over the LA basin. As I was working my way into mile four, out popped Mr. Sun. I finished up before the temperature rose another ten degress. 

Two things to remember from todays effort:

1. I did not want to run this morning and considered putting it off another day.

2. I did not want to run on pace. 

3. Now I'm quite pleased that I ran and. especially. pleased that I stayed on pace.

How odd, the human mind. Mine seems to want to do just enough to get by, whether in exercise, writing, finance, my relationships. Sometimes not even enough to slide along. As I mentioned last month, I need to plan my actions, execute my plans and adjust as I go, always with a goal in mind. Otherwise, the default is ambling through life waiting for the end. 

Here's an intriguing short video on dealing with stress and achieving goals. 

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