Saturday, February 19, 2022

Running Book Speeding to Release

And not just any book: mine. Hoping to have an ebook version up by March 25. It's a short, snappy read about my 13-year journey to once more run a marathon. 

Be careful what you wish for.


Authors 4 Characters said...

Question: Which was more of a challenge, RUNNING the marathon or CHRONICLING it? 🏃

JP Mac said...

Though you train for 16 weeks, the pain of the race fades from memory.

So I'd have to say chronicling the race and everything
that led up to it.

Authors 4 Characters said...

I'm really looking forward to reading that story; sympathizing with your aches and pains while feeling like a coward for NOT even thinking of attempting your feats of athletic heroism. 🏃🥇

JP Mac said...

I'm a chapter away from finishing the first draft.

But don't feel poorly.

A good walk is excellent in and of itself.

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