Monday, November 21, 2022

So Long, Dave "Dutch" Heckman

Courtesy Angie Heckman

"Just Round the Corner"

He forgot more things than most people ever learned. 

Emmy Award-winning cameraman, passionate photographer, author and a brilliant funny guy, Dave Heckman passed away last week in Mar Vista, California, aged 71. We met in a bar across the street from KTLA back in 1979, later living in the same apartment building. When Dave bought a home in Hollywood, I moved into a guest house above the garage. 

Around 1986, he decided he wanted a nickname. For the next year or so, Heckman would correct people calling him 'Dave,' insisting he be referred to as 'Dutch.' In time, Dutch succeeded in giving himself a nickname on his own terms.

As Kurt Vonnegut might have said, "And so it went."

Below awaits a Heckman sampler. It's hard to believe there will be no more of Dave's hilarious acerbic comments. But plenty old ones remain.

Undistilled Heckman

What better eulogist than the Dutchman himself?

2007 - 2009:  Products of a Diseased Mind blog

Distilled Heckman

Write Enough! blog posts either mentioning Dave or featuring his writings.

2006: Getting Around with a Leg Cast

2007: The Value of Nothing

 Excerpt from The Value of Nothing

2008: 27 Years Ago

Time and Mrs. Murphy

2012: The Riots Recalled

The Dutchman Recalls the Riots

2019: Stalinfest

The Dutch/D G Heckman Reviews

If you miss Dave's outrageous humor, look no further than his books.

2014 Appalling Yarns

2017 Dreadful Outcomes

My wife, Joy, sent me the passage below. When it comes to the memory of Dave "Dutch" Heckman, I will be guided by this soothing wisdom:

Monday, November 07, 2022

Coyotes on the Fairway
Three of them. Rain kept away all by the most fanatic golfers. Same for runners as I had the trails to myself. But glancing over toward theWilson-Harding golf course in the early afternoon, I spotted a trio of coyotes, all with their heads down, still as oil paintings. Splashing past, I figured they were waiting for rain water to force up some gophers. But there have been a lot of coyotes out and about lately. Perhaps LA DA George Gascon releases them per his cashless bale ways. Feral bastard; same for the coyotes.

Speaking of running, my California International Marathon arrives the first Sunday of December. My training has been erratic, but I'm standing strong on my 4:59 finish. This training cycle, my longest run will be 16 miles. Because I'm so darn slow, a run of 20 miles ala last year takes almost as much time as the marathon itself. The body takes a beating and needs more time to recover. And since the benefits of long slow distance wane around three to three and a half hours, I'm game to discover the benefits of running less. (Should they exist.)

This time last year I was aglow from Surfers Point.

Let's see what kind of glow awaits in Sacramento.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Little Book Reviewed on Bookshine and Readbows


Available in many places.

A blast from back-in-the-day as book review blog Bookshine and Readbows passed judgement on my New Age satire, The Little Book of Big Enlightenment. Inside its electronic pages, gurus, marketers, and the author battle over the true meaning of the Eckhardt Tolle-like musings of visionary Lompoc Tollhaus. Or, as Bookshine and Readbows remarked:

"Don't expect to find any genuine enlightenment . . . but to instead be entertained by a rollicking riot of flim-flam, shicanery and bickery in-fighting . . . ."

Find the Little Book in most spots where fine ebooks are sold.

Thursday, October 06, 2022

Falling While Running v.2

Why Do You Do That?

Not by choice, but I'm old and possess hobbit-like feet without all the hair, and was running in thick Hokka trainers that cut me off from the ground. Anyway, while running ten miles yesterday on the rocky trails leading into the Angeles National Forest, I hit a rock and fell.

This happens once or twice a training session and I've gotten better at dealing with it. First of all, I don't fight the fall and avoid tensing up. Second, I perform a half-roll while in motion. This mitigates the scrapping away of flesh and the impact of striking the ground. Unlike March where I rolled into chaparral,  this time I was unmarred. Of course, wearing excessive sun block, my legs were breaded with dirt.

The fall was witnessed by three people and two dogs. A woman asked, "Are you all right? Did you hit a rock?"

I replied, "The only thing hurt is my dignity."

She smiled.

A couple asked, "Are you all right?"

I said, "Only my pride was damaged."

They smiled the weak grin of the uncertain.

All that aside, training continues for the California International Marathon, taking place the day before my birthday. The longest runs will take place over the next two months. I'm going to experiment with limiting my long runs to no more than three and a half hours. Recent info informs me that any time on my feet more than that won't help my overall aerobics. It also takes more time to recover. Last year's 21-miler was rough. Perhaps I can do less with more. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Literary Titan Interview with Author JP Mac


assignment point

What's the next step when life crumbles on all fronts but one?

And then the last front falls with the rest.

A brief interview with Literary Titan explores my reaction to extreme misfortune as chronicled in How to Run a Marathon in 13 Years.

Recently visited Tennessee and am growing more comfortable spelling the state name in various posts. More on the trip soon,

Sunday, September 11, 2022

9/11 Recalled 2022

K called from Florida, "Planes crashed into the World Trade Center and one of the towers just fell." Unemployed in Los Angeles and half asleep at 7:30 AM, I shuffled downstairs to the TV, past Joy as she prepared for work. At first, all I saw was a dirty cloud obscuring southern Manhattan. Then a stunned announcer said the second tower had just collapsed. Joy joined me, work forgotten as we learned of the attack.

Other friends phoned throughout the day. Paul Rugg speculated about the pilots of the doomed aircraft, certain they weren't Americans forced to crash. TJ, a Vietnam vet, was incensed at the footage of jubilant Palestinians with their candy and AK-47s. He wished he could gift them with a nice buttering of napalm. In a grim mood, I agreed.

Watching TV and power-chewing Nicorette, I mostly felt numb — except when the subject was jumpers. Then I felt horror. Go to work, sip coffee, joke with your pals, then decide whether you'll suffocate, burn alive, or leap a quarter mile to certain death. Questions of etiquette arise: jump solo or hold hands with a co-worker? Perhaps several of you link arms and form a chain, finding courage in numbers. Or do you clutch a table cloth and step into the air, desperately hoping it slows your fall?

The journey takes ten seconds.

Air velocity rips away your shoes.

You explode on impact.

I will always be haunted by the jumpers of 9/11.

Oceans of paper were blasted from the towers, filling the New York sky like the Devil's ticker tape. Invoices and wedding invitations floated down to gray sidewalks.

My friend Cathy, who worked in D.C., reported chaos as the government sent everyone home at once following the Pentagon attack. One jammed intersection turned scary as a man leaped out of an SUV brandishing a pistol and attempting to direct traffic.

Being murdered is not a heroic act, though it can be. Flight 93 passengers fought back and died, saving many more in their sacrifice. North Tower Port Authority employees rescued over 70 people before perishing.

There were many heroes that day.

My sister Mary Pat and I had dinner at a coffee shop. She was passing through town, leaving a job in Mountain View, CA to return to Phoenix. Depressed by the day's events, our meal was not jolly.

Later, Joy tried to give blood, but the hospital was overwhelmed with donations and refused.

Vulnerability, grief, dismay, anger.

Such a beautiful morning with a sky so blue.

(Photos from: Little Green Footballs.)

Repost: Sept. 11, 2008

Update: Strange to reread this. TJ died in 2009 and K passed away just over a year ago. My wife, Joy, and I are doing well, as is Paul Rugg who now rides the train

Repost: Sept. 11, 2013

Update: I had cancer surgery last year, but recovered. My wife is doing well and my sister battles her own health woes. I have not heard from my friend Cathy in a few years.  Paul Rugg continues riding the train in addition to being a voice over machine.

Repost: Sept. 11, 2015

Update: Paul Rugg's daughter was not quite two years old on 9/11/01. Now she is a freshmen in college. I have retired from TV animation writing, though, as stated elsewhere, I find retirement to be indistinguishable from unemployment. (Save for a small annuity.) And very soon, I shall ride the train to see my sister. (Explanatory post t/k.)

Repost: Sept. 11, 2017

Update: Ten years have passed since I composed this post, 17 years since the incident. Alas, the greatest hit to our nation continues to be a colossal security apparatus that can't seem to function without monitoring everyone's communications, then lying about it. I'd rather not comment on airport theater. Still, my wife remains gainfully employed and I'm racing to complete a dystopian thriller by Christmas. Amidst the great events, the little things carry us forward.

Repost: Sept. 11, 2018

Update: About to publish a softcover version of my prostate book. Meanwhile the Afghanistan Forever War continues. I refuse to believe that for almost 20 years, there's been no better way of fighting the Taliban than sending billions to Pakistan to provide hiding places for them while they infiltrate Afghan government forces and assassinate our advisors. The Byzantine Empire lasted over a thousand years battling multiple enemies on different fronts, employing a combination of diplomacy military prowess, and strategic alliances. With the entrenched, consequence-proof dimwits we have infesting Washington D.C., we'll probably end up surrendering to the Taliban.

Repost: Sept. 11, 2019

Update: How odd to stand on the threshold of twenty years. Given the riots and chaos of the pandemic, the blithering repose of local government re. small-business-killing lockdowns, the event is passing with barely a mention. If I hadn't spotted a NatGeo special on the Twin Towers, I might've forgotten myself. Interesting health issue, with cataract surgery, an upcoming new crown—for a tooth—and the results of a biopsy for skin cancer. Paul Rugg works on a Henson TV show, and his daughter nears the end of her undergrad studies. My sister continues on with NPR in the unburned portion of the Pacific Northwest. I will publish a book of my short stories by Christmas. Joy's work will soon restore her full pay, slashed during the lockdowns. Since South Dakota never locked down at all, shouldn't their population be deader than the Sioux at Wounded Knee? Not all experts are experts.  

What I wrote sarcastically in 2019 came true. A devastating mortifying defeat. 

Repost: Sept. 11, 2021

Update: Paul Rugg's daughter was recently married. Paul and his wife are moving to Virginia to be somewhat near her. I've just finished a book on my thirteen-year journey to run a marathon and am preparing for a trip to Tennessee. Perhaps I'll also depart from the once Golden State, a large garbage can with palm trees.


Saturday, September 10, 2022

Marathon Book #1

 Mine is on the far left in the number one slot. How to Run a Marathon in 13 Years remains discounted through Sept. 19. After that, the ebook will no longer sell for under a dollar, but bloat up like everything else. 

Friday, September 09, 2022


 Well, finally, it's about time!

I'm proud to announce the launch of:

How to Run a Marathon in 13 Years

How Hard Would You Fight For Your Dreams?

Back in November, in the wake of Surfers Point, I began assembling my notes, blog posts, Team in Training material, etc. It's been a long ten months, with many side tracks necessary to learn Aweber or Lumen 5 or Atticus or some other form of software necessary to self-publish. I'm already past this book, thinking of the next one. But I learned from prior publications that the job of really promoting your books begins NOW. In ten days, the price of the ebook jumps to 4.99. Grab it for under a buck today. Meanwhile, I think I'll celebrate in some low-key manner. 


Cornerstone Media

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Featured Post

John P. McCann Sizzle Page

'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...