Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dog Gone

Suicide bridge for canines.

via drdavidsands


takineko said...

That text pop up ruined the whole thing! Spoilers!

The dogs jumped because u can't tell there's nothing on the other side, how is that so mysterious?

k said...

Still, takineko, an impressive number of dogs jumped. And the footage was easy on my eyes. Just beautiful.

Plus they did a test, which IMO supports your position. It wasn't a double-blind study with >30 subjects, etc. etc. But a test, it was. I like tests.

What I'd come back to see would be a test of what scent was so powerful.

John. Am I imagining things, or did that dog scientist resemble you a bit?

JP Mac said...

A bit, minus a lot of gray. -:)

Nice to have you back posting once again.

You were sorely missed.

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