Showing posts with label Running 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Running 2010. Show all posts

Saturday, March 06, 2010

In Addition

to the growing list of people I know competing in the rain this weekend, Ernesto ran 16 miles in preparation for the LA Marathon, looming on the running horizon - provided he avoids pneumonia.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Back in the Water

Kickboarding so as not to fray my tendon; hadn't done any water exercises since August. I was quickly tired out, able to do half of an old workout. Then I used the health club sauna and steam room to loosen up - hopefully - my right shoulder. If I can get up early, I'll head back to the gym and heat up the right pecs and lats prior to my physical therapy. (Then maybe it won't hurt so stinking much.) Started working on another short story. This tale pits politically correct educator/scolds against the Great Old Ones. It's a continuation of a style I tried in another short story, "Dagon and Jill." I'm calling the style, PC Lovecraft. The new story is "The Dunwich Diversity Seminar." If nothing else, I'm having a pleasant time and, I hope, you are as well.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pasadena Marathon Morning

Not for me, but for other, fitter types. Could be rain on the course again this year. Best of luck to all marathon runners and walkers.

Physical therapy yesterday really hurt. I can't swim, row or do certain other exercises until these knots in the lats and pecs are softened up. So I continue my pt homework until the next time I'm kneaded.

Haven't written anything in about three weeks. Zero drive. Looks like Ten-in-Six will end up Eight-in-Six, with one of those a 69 page novelette. I should add up the total number of pages out of sheer bureaucratic curiosity.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chi Walking and the Liquid Creature

"Its the liquid creature." A direct quote from the H-Man, but many of you, no doubt, knew that. Spent the late morning with a chi-walking coach, Steve Mackal. He pointed out that I was inadvertently combining a blend of chi running and walking that wasn't exactly cool. So I corrected my style and will continue walking 3x a week for another month. Then I'll see about some running. Now back to the misadventures of 'the liquid creature."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Walking and Writing Fiction

And I'll have walked 3x this week, slightly over 2 miles per outing. So far, no soreness. I'm slowly losing weight and hope to intro a little running into my walks next month.

Another story politely rejected. The editor made a few reserved comments, one of which I thought had merit. So I tweaked the story slightly, cut a few sentences, and sent it out again. Eventually, I'll wear these editors down like water on stone. Of course, that can take thousands of years, but I'm hoping for less.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

TV Animation Gig and Physical Therapy

An animated job may loom on the horizon. Such a novelty these days, though my agent reported more cartoon shows are surfacing than over the last three years. A studio exec. wanted to see old school Warners stuff. I sent along an Animaniacs script that never got produced, but has been well-received as a writing sample. Called "The Big Nap," the Chandleresque parody featured the Warner Bros. as private eyes and Hello Nurse, naturally, as the femme fatale. Hi jinx, as they saying goes, ensued.

On the body front, my shoulder really aches from yesterday's physical therapy. The therapist massaged, kneaded and stretched various cuffs, muscles, and joints to loosen the pinched tendon. Clearly, not so easy. Plus there was homework.

As to walking, that's out this weekend. The knee is sore and needs icing. And so, back to the keyboard to finish up a short story as rain falls gently outside and the neighborhood youth serenade the block with a symphony of bass-heavy rap and horn honking.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Walk Don't Run

And I did today, for a little over two miles. No knee pain and a bit more comfort locomoting in the chi walking style. I set up a meeting with a chi running/walking coach to refresh my technique and correct my form. Adding to my physical fun, I pinched a tendon in my right shoulder. Back to physical therapy, where they remember me from last fall. Twice a week for three weeks plus homework. But my range of motion has already improved after one session and I'm thinking this should be easy. Haven't written much the last few days. Doesn't look like I'll finish the final two short stories. But I could finish one. Maybe. If I stop making excuses and write. Okay. I will.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Almost a Pasadena Pacer

Saturday, I will attempt to hang with a group of walkers. I'm not sure how many miles they plan on doing, but I'm gone at the first sign of knee pain. The walkers are associated with the Pasadena Pacers, a local running club who, most importantly, don't charge any dues. I'm keen to see how my knee reacts to, say, three miles at a modest pace. Not much in the grand scheme of marathons and ultramarathons, but a worthy start. And free. I mentioned that?

Monday, February 01, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

TNT Birthday Bash

At an Eagle Rock bar near Occidental College, various Team-in-Training folk celebrated assistant coach Liz's 30th b-day. The crowd was mostly college-age. You got the feeling that if a fight loomed, the parties would threaten to produce laptops and write something cutting and wry. Congrats to Coach Dave, who is now engaged to Bethany. As always, I was the first to leave. Not a drinker, my departure was timed to avoid the odd mawkishness that can appear after several cocktails. ('I think of you as an older brother. Let's go to Europe.')

Friday, January 22, 2010


Visited my old doctor, re. a shoulder pain. He's a distance runner and we talked the Honolulu Marathon and running form. He was down with my plan of: 1. Acquire proficiency in chi walking. 2. Lose 20 pounds. 3. Slowly integrate chi running into chi walking. Link 4. Continue strengthening my quads and glutes. 5. Perhaps work my way up to running 3 miles by this fall. (Guided, as always, by how well my knee holds up.) This I shall do. In fact, here it is: I will run the Chapman University 5K in October. Not only is it a fall race, but you get a tech tee-shirt, medal, and timing chip - a veritable BMW of 5Ks. My doc hadn't a clue about my shoulder, so it's back to physical therapy. But they all remember me there, so it'll be a small homecoming.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hail, Donner and Blitzen

That would describe the weather during today's walk. With uncanny timing, I started exercise just as hail fell, followed by a downpour plus the above-named thunder and lightning. You can only be so wet at any one time, so I pressed on and finished. It was, however, the fastest walk I've done to date.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Phoenix Rises Again

Rouman, Liz, Karla, and other Team in Training folk are in the Valley of the Sun for the Phoenix Marathon. Three years ago, I ran that course in temperatures under 30 degrees. (It maybe warmed up to the high 40s.) But a successful run and one I cherish. Go Team!

Walked today for 35 minutes; a little over two miles. No pain or soreness. I'll keep adding minutes and distance as I drop pounds. (Eventually.)

I took crackers from the restaurant tonight, but not packets of sugar. I'm getting better.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Story Notes and Chi Walking

Friend and fine writer Ken got me notes back on my whopping great story (circa 15K words). Some good points, but so far the feedback has been positive. (One of the characters is a chemist, and, oddly enough, so is my father-in-law. So "dad" fed me some good chemistry stuff.) I think I'll wait until next week to tackle the rewrite.

Got in a chi walk today. I think I'm getting it a little. For a time, I hit a groove and was moving smooth, but then I overthought the mechanics and fell out of synch. Three times a week, over and over until it takes. Or I decide eating a lot is real fun. Maybe both. I'd like that.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

20k's Worth of Photo

Scroll down as Coach Kiley shows off the scenery at the Lasse Viren 20K (12.4 miles.) This Malibu trail run is named after famous Finnish runner, Lasse Viren who scored four Gold Medals at the '72 and '76 Olympic Games, (twice winning the 5K and 10K). I'm not sure, but I think Viren brought the word 'fartlek' to American running. In addition to being a way to publicly say 'fart,' the Swedish word for "speed play," taught runners to alternate speeds during training to build up cardio. Thanks Lasse, rest well in your dank forest land. (Photo:

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