Friday, June 16, 2006

Charmed at the Health Club

I joined that dandy little health club I mentioned a few posts back. There's nothing like showing up at 1:00 PM and getting your pick of machines. Flat screen TVs show ESPN, CNN, and reruns of "Charmed." Lots of pouty, cute girl witch looks. But it's exerting a strange fascination on me. I grow irritable around 1:00 PM on days when I'm not at the health club. And somehow, turning on "Charmed" at home wouldn't be the same.

More on this.

In addition, I joined the Rose Bowl Aquatic Club. Usually around 12:45 - 1:00 PM is the best time to go aqua run. My head is lathered up with sun block. Sometimes there are "swimming moms" hectoring their children. One woman harangued her two daughers non-stop for over 40 minutes, berating them for bad diving form, encouraging them to do "one more" after four or five "last one and we'll go." What fascinated me was she never paused to inhale. With lung capacity like that, she should be doing deep ocean salvage minus the dive suit.

But I gradually grow stronger in the water.

There's nothing like being tanned, fit, and unemployed.

It's the Hollywood way.

1 comment:

k said...

the lung capacity is probly why she hasn't yet been drowned.

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