Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Long Haul

Seven and half-hours later, I've finished another draft on story #9 for my Ten-in-Six. This one's called "Movie People," and explores the morality of eating and who ought to decide how much you have and when. I'll let 9 cool and start on 10. Getting them all written in five months will be an accomplishment. That'll leave me the sixth month to find homes for nine unsold stories. Noooo problem. -:)

And I've five more stories after that in various stages. That'll be the next stage, hopefully to include writing one story in the first person for a change. And maybe one story that isn't completely linear. And maybe one with lots of French words so the reader feels dumb, per my old faculty mentor.


Armando Torre said...

Hi, Mr. McCann

I'm Armando Torre, I made you a couple of questions about a year ago, you answered and told me to stay in touch. Now I lost the link to the page with our previous chat and I can only remember that the questions were about Freakazoid and coming up with stories. But nevermind. I'm writing again because I just saw the twelve episodes of Fawlty Towers and they got me thinking... John Cleese is still working, You're still working, I know I'm thinking crazy, but how cool would a Lord Bravery collaboration that includes the inspiration for the character be?

I really hate that there were only two Lord Bravery episodes. I'd have loved to see him deliver a villain that denies he committed a crime, in the style of the parrot sketch or the one in which a guy pays to have a discussion and Cleese only denies whatever he says.

Btw, from when is that picture from your last post? The one with Dini at a Comic Con.

JP Mac said...

Hey Armando,

I do indeed remember our chat, just not exactly when.

That picture is from Comic Con 2008 when they were releasing the 1st Freakazoid DVD.

Paul Rugg and I were big Monty Python/Fawlty Towers fans. Paul came up with Lord Bravery. (Mitch Schauer chose to use me as the model.) Jeff Bennett did the Cleese voice.

Naturally, Warner Bros. owns the rights to LB and I'm pretty sure they aren't currently warm to the idea of reviving him. They can't even relaunch the Looney Toons without air sickness bags being present.

What about your own writing?

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