Friday, January 01, 2010

Randy Beaman's Pal Returns to 'Ghan

Home safe for Christmas after his first tour, Colin Wells spent New Years in the Mideast, enroute back to the Afghanistan for a second deployment with the Strykers. Good thoughts and prayers to Colin and his unit. Let's hope they return to us safe and whole.

h/t: NanBel3377


takineko said...

^^ Yay! Glad to hear he's doing well!

Keeper said...

Ah, so that's how he was able to set up that Facebook page I saw you had "friended".

I was thinking, geez, doesn't a soldier have enough to think about in a war zone than his Facebook friends list?

JP Mac said...

Good for morale, I'm thinking.

Takes their minds off camel spiders.

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