Monday, January 29, 2024

SCTV Yellowbelly Still Delivers the Laughs

Time passes but certain comedy bits never fade. Observe the late John Candy portray the biggest coward in the Old West.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Pasadena Half-Marathon 2024 Race Report

 I expected and prepared for a wet, chilly race. I expected parking to be a hassle . I expected to lumber in just under 2:45. None of my expectations were met.

In past Rose Bowl races, I've been caught in traffic jams, sometimes spending 40 minutes inching toward parking, then scrambling to the start line. Today, I left home at 4:30 AM and was parked by 4:56. Then I napped for an hour and twenty minutes. Around 6:15, I ambled over to gear check, figuring I had plenty of time to hit the bathroom then warm-up. But gear check took longer than expected, and the usually long Port-a-Potty lines seemed even longer. I emerged with enough time to loosen up my joints, but not enough to squeeze a few surges. 

Gun Time

At last year's marathon, i started too far back. As a 5k race launched before the half, I used the time to push forward into the half-marathon crowd; wriggled, squeezed, 'excuse me'd my way as far forward as doable. Then I waited, running in place as the clock passed the 7 AM start time. Finally, we began. Because there were over nine-thousand runners, it took a bit for the humanity brick to loosen. Eventually, I crossed the timing mat and away.

To the 10k Mark

Started climbing to exit the arroyo. Since the Rose Bowl area is one of my training locales, the terrain held no surprises. Plus running the hills around my home prepared me well. I used the Galloway run/walk method, walking one-minute for every six minutes run. So I angled over to the right, making myself less of an obstacle. A group called Kids Run LA were afoot like coyotes at a dog show. (I covered the hazards of loose children in my Pomona report.) But there weren't any strollers or dogs weaving through the runners, so I was grateful. 

Around mile 3m we were running east on Colorado Blvd. The lead half-marathoners were already on their way to the finish line. Around mile 5, I ingested part of a sugary GU packet, then realized there were no water stations nearby. I only carried Gatorade, since I hadn't tested any of the race's electrolyte drink and didn't wish to be surprised. Water is best for GU, so I held off until the next station. At this point, I'd passed several pace groups, aiming to reach the 2:45 crowd.

Last Half 

Between mile 7 and 8, I passed the first 2:45 pace group. It must be a popular finish time, because there was a second pace group up ahead. That became my next goal. Catching them in mile 8, I considered hanging with the group, but was feeling energetic, so off I went. Descending back down into the arroyo for a finishing loop around the Rose Bowl, I checked my watch. I'd been moving faster than I thought. Picking up the pace, I sped around the familiar asphalt, crossing the finish line inside the Rose Bowl in 2:32:14. 
If 'd paid more attention to the time, I might've adjusted my pace earlier and notched a sub- 2.5 hour finish. Nevertheless, I was happy with my effort in splendid distance running weather. No rain and the temperature in the low 60s.

Now What?

The LA Marathon in mid-March. I won't set a pr, but it's an event on John's run list. I really don't race that much. Once in 2023 and twice in 2022. In a way, it becomes easier to loose exercise momentum if you're only stepping out a few times a year. I can do better and shall. 


Rayond Chandler: Hot Dames and Cool Metaphors


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Half-Marathon Fever Grips Me


Enough complaining about my sad preparation. The race is upon me. On Sunday I will run my first half-marathon since, oh, 2007? I reject all my negative thoughts and embrace the challenge. The Rose Bowl has been my training ground for over 20 years. I'll be on home turf.

My goal: break 2 hours and 30 minutes. 

Make that 2 hours and 45 minutes. I double-checked my times. There's no way I could hold the above pace for 13.1. That's a half-marathon fever error

Monday, January 15, 2024

Central Florida ComicCon Invites Old Friends



As Lakeland, Florida USA gears up for their big comic con, old Warner Bros. chums Tom Ruegger and Paul Rugg prepare to meet their public. 

Come this Saturday, Januray 20th, these animation legends will host a panel entitled (and I quote):

The Ultimate Animaniacs and Freakazoid Panel

Tom Ruegger and Paul Rugg talk about the making of Animaniacs and Freakazoid and take questions from the audience in this panel for the Ultimate Animaniacs and Freakazoid fans!

Don't miss it! (I'll miss it, but then I was there.)


Sunday, January 14, 2024

MCRD 52 Years Later v.6


USMC League

MCRD San Diego Back in the Day

Everything must begin somewhere. And in the United States Marine Corps, my enlisted tour commenced with yellow footprints. Drawn on the asphalt of the recruit depot with heels close together and toes angled out to 45 degrees, they are where I, along with seven other guys from our suburban Chicago neighborhood, stood to begin military service. Then we marched somewhere, boxed up our clothes and mailed them home, coming to the realization that our new life would be different from drinking beer behind a bowling alley.

The Vietnam War was winding down, at least for the United States, though the North Vietnamese would launch a huge attack against South Vietnam toward the end of March as we conducted infantry training at Camp Pendlelton. (In September, now a Private First Class, I would find myself in an Army hospital called Camp Kue on Okinawa, sharing  a ward with American advisors who'd been wounded helping the South Vietnamese forces stop the communists.)

In 1991, I visited the footprints on a vacation to San Diego with my girlfriend. (Now My Fine Wife or MFW.)

In 2002, I stood on a hill in Vietnam called Con Thien with a Vietnamese guide who told me about the obliteration of his village by B52s, bombing the NVA advance.

In 2008, I was back at MCRD finishing up a marathon with Team in Training.

But on a Friday night, January 14, 1972, I stood on yellow footprints. Oh, right before we boxed up our clothes, this happened:
(The following scene is rather accurate, except there's no C&W music. Just buzzzzzzz.)

h/t: amp1776

Note 2020:

On this 48th anniversary of my enlistment, I pay my respects to Tom Poto and Steve Lovell, two of my comrades who are no longer with us. RIP, bros. Hard to believe we were once young together.

Note: 2021

Yikes! 49 years ago; one removed from a half-century. I'll write no more on the subject.

Note: 2022

NOW 50 years have passed. I remember being hung over with a shaving cut on my right cheek that bled most of the day. Grisly forshadowing. Ah, well. 

Alas, another comrade passed on. Gary Burke, who I'd known through grade school and high school, died last November. We'd only recently gotten back in touch. He was a great guy and a man's man. I pray for his soul and that God may ease the hurt in family and friends.

Note: 2024
Here's a link to the original post, identical to this one except for all the BTWs and a USMC logo. Nothing much to add this year except that our military is at a lower point today than it was in the waning days of Vietnam. Why serve a country that is deemed racist to its very roots and can't even officially identify a woman? 

Gary Burke was in college and decked a cop. At his trial, he was invited to select between jail and joining the military. Since I and others were enlisting, Gary decided to accompany us in our youthful adventure.

At the swearing in ceremony, I was still drunk from the night before. I wouldn't really get any sleep for about two more days.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Running 14 Miles on a Sunny Day

 My last long run before the half-marathon. A slight breeze with temperatures in the 60s eased the burden of yesterday's slog up into the Angeles foothills. A hard work-out the day before meant tired legs and a slow pace. Overall, my training has been erratic. Very little speed work, lackluster tempo runs, and hardly any cross-training. I'll be fortunate to complete the half under 3 hours.

I'm prepared to skip the L.A. Marathon in March. My focus will be to regroup, pick a marathon for late spring, early summer, and apply all the same training lessons used in ramping up for the 2022 California International Marathon

Enough whining. Time to cross-train.


The Bald Brothers




Monday, January 08, 2024

Monday, January 01, 2024

Happy New Year 2024!

Cleaning up my office for the upcoming year, I found some old journals and Day-Runners. Odd to read my thoughts from decades back. Seems like I battled many of the same issues, overcame a few defects, and acquired fresh ones. The improvement process on John P. McCann continues.

A pleasant new year's day to all!


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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...