Dancing bear by day, crime-fighting scientist by night!
Thanks to takineko and Maz for the awesome artwork and color as I finish up the text and prepare to re-pitch this re-tooled idea. If I'd had any art this good the first time around we'd all be living large.
LOL aww shucks fella, 'twern't nothin'!
As I told Valerie, the scientist version reminds me of you somehow, while the dancing one reminds me of Tom Minton.
Not that images of Minton in a tutu are prevalent in my mind (yet). I'm just talkin' about the facial expression.
Don't censor yourself, Keeper. If Minton in a tutu mentally pops up, go with it.
I love the art. I think that not making the bear too cute makes it funnier. I'd love if he made some bear noices when he gets angry or annoyed. It kinda reminds me of that SNK skit with the Bear Town.
Keeping the bear dead serious lets you have fun with everything around him.
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