Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I joined facebook.


takineko said...

Haven't you heard about how they're taking people's private information and stealing souls and-Hey is that Rich Arons? >.>

Keeper said...

I've been contemplating it too. I know there's at least one old friend on there with whom I haven't communicated in more than a decade. So, I've been thinking it might be nice to set up an account just for people to find me, even if I don't use it actively (much like an account I have for MySpace, where some family members have found me).

JP Mac said...

Excellent points.

I have a hoard of messages from my page that I refuse to touch until I've finished my writing assignments for today.

But I've also discovered old friends I hadn't heard from in many years.

Facebook is much more immediate than MySpace - my page there gathers dust.

But because Facebook mines your GMail for contacts, suddenly you've got a hoard of friends and then the viral process begins.

To paraphrase George Washington, Facebook is like fire: useful, but if allowed to occupy your life unchecked, a terrible master.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say - get ready to start hearing from people that you haven't seen/thought/remembered since grade school... I find myself on a yearly routine of going home for Christmas and digging through the yearbooks just to see if, in fact, the people that have "added me as a friend" are being truthful in saying we knew each other in the 1st grade...

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