While performing a mundane household task, I felt a sharp knee pain. Sharp pains are usually serious pains, meaning some manner of stop-running injury. As my HMO is the medical equivalent of Jiffy Lube, I've decided to pay my old doctor cash for X-rays and a diagnosis.
In the meantime, I'll pretend I really did want to swim more.
Yeah, when my brother had problems with his knees, he never seemed to recover fully, and ultimately gave up running and baseball. They were only hobbies or pastimes for him, though, unlike the passion that running is for you, so hopefully what you've got is only a minor setback.
This same brother recently was diagnosed with Parkinson's, so knee trouble will be the least of his worries, alas.
Aww man.. I'm sorry to hear that. [I hope I didn't jynx you! D:]
Swimming is good! Especially in this cold weather we've been.. oh wait. Well, walking is ok right?
Hmm.. don't forget, when God heals your knee, to give him the glory for it. ;)
No jinx.
Just trouble with tendons. (I hope.)
Someone once told me they were worse than broken bones since breaks heal, but tendon problems linger on.
I think I'm understanding that now.
And I shall thank God in time.
Perhaps the takineko family could sculpt me a new knee. -:)
Hahahaha, I have a sister in medicine, and plenty of Super Sculpy. I'm sure we'll have you running and kicking in no time.
Yeah, when my brother had problems with his knees, he never seemed to recover fully, and ultimately gave up running and baseball. They were only hobbies or pastimes for him, though, unlike the passion that running is for you, so hopefully what you've got is only a minor setback.
This same brother recently was diagnosed with Parkinson's, so knee trouble will be the least of his worries, alas.
sorry to hear about the knee
Damn knees. Too bad we need both of them.
Clearly, you should eschew mundane household tasks.
Sorry to hear that Keep. :C
All the best to your brother and family.
Bleep Baby,
If I'd only stuck to marathon training, I'd be fine. -:)
If knees were like kidneys, I'd be looking for a donor right now.
Wait.. why can't people donate their knees? O.O you may be on to something!
We can rebuild your knees.
We have the technology.
Then forget the twenty-somethings, you'll be passing cheetahs in no time at record paces.
Where's Steve Austin when I need him?
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