Worked all last week on my animated script, then jumped into editing the short story. I finished Monday night, sending it out at almost 8k words. That comes out to 43 pages in New Courier font. A very exhausting process as I had to expand, add clarifying information and erase material simultaneously to stay under the word limit. Once again, a big thanks to the readers. An altered ending proved, I think, more satisfying and truer to what had been set-up. Electronic high-fives to all.
Which led me to yesterday morning. Paul Rugg, Sherri Stoner, Deanna Oliver, Tom Ruegger and myself gathered at a local studio for vulture recordings. Forging a long improvised story proved challenging, but Tom hauled us forward to a resolution. He seemed quite happy with the day's catch, and I have no reason to doubt we hooked more than we released. I felt weary and torpid the whole session. More sleep should improve my perspective. Meanwhile, Tom will add a lick of animatic and a dash of music to today's work and produce something to shop around.
And the studio was free of bees. I really liked that.
This project you guys are doing together, is it something we get to see the future?
You'll certainly see portions of it, plus some footage that was shot during recording.
I'm not sure when as it depends on Tom and his schedule.
John, you were so not weary and torpid! You were a driving force! The vulture with the plan...a plan that wreaks havoc on every other vulture in its wake.
I can so relate!
You mess with everyone! And yet, in the end, things work out. You achieve your goal...and you enjoy some delicious deer intestines!
Life is good!
Yes, plenty of laughs were hooked. I'm really glad we did it. Have picked up the rough track -- all 2+ hours of it! Will get a recording pulled together. Started drawing this a.m.
It's going to be very funny -- it has lots of genuine laughs already, and there are no drawings yet!
Once that "All Vulture Cable Channel" gets up and running next January, we're gonna sell this baby!
Hey John! Tried to send you a get well via email and it came back. Hope you're doing well and weller.
Thank you, my friend. Better each day.
I can't help but imagine a song called "Vinnie the Vulture" set to "Minnie the Moocher"...
I hope you're working on that.
Hmm... I do enjoy writing song parodies. What kind of a vulture would a vulture named Vinnie be, though...!
When you die di die di die di die
Then he'll go di go di go...
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