Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

Mass, then lunch today with my wife and mom-in-law, then away to assemble more animated show ideas to send out Tuesday. The producers clearly don't want Freakazoid or Pinky and the Brain or even Pepper Ann. But I will strive to build according to the ingredients I'm given.


Saturday, April 03, 2010

Tidy Bowl

The Rose Bowl, that is. Sharing a patch of Arroyo Seco with a golf course, the perimeter of this fabled landmark is a work-out mecca for runners, cyclists, walkers, dog walkers, baby walkers, and people with time on their hands. Up to now, the exercising public has circled the Bowl's 3.1 mile perimeter in both directions with cars rolling past just to keep matters interesting. Disputes have arisen between omni-directionalists (cyclists who wish everyone to go one way and cyclists the other), and multi-directionalists (everyone else.) After years of meetings and collisions and harsh words and signs advising all to omni-directionalize, the City of Pasadena seems to have hit upon a best-of-all-worlds solution. The roadway is being widened to create a two-directional run/walk/stroll path separated by rubber cones from the cyclists who will share the road with the cars. This has the potential to tidy matters up, end conflicts, and give everyone their favorite direction to exercise in. By April's end, the new system should be in place and I'll report back on whether the city has added toll gates, which, I'm sure, everyone will agree is something to avoid.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Good Friday

A most solemn and reverent one to all who roll that way.

Sam provides a piece of Easter artwork.

Cracked explains why we should be thankful for nature fails.

Update: Acme cast mate Adam Carolla delivers wry rants right here.

Thursday, April 01, 2010


Down with some unfunny low-grade bug. My agent sent me material to read so I can pitch ideas to this animated show for a freelance episode. So that is an action fat with potential cheer.

Almost forgot:

Hahahahaha!! (Fill in the gag.) April Fool's!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Post 1K!

My 1,000th Write Enough post. Never has so little been said about so much outside of politicians spinning a scandal. Nevertheless, I press on into a new millennium of posts about not working, not running, and not doing much else. (Lately.)

My novelette was rejected, but I've sent it out again to an English publication. They weren't interested in electronic posts, but felt printing out the story on A4 paper, 12 point, Times New Roman and mailing it off old-school style separated the serious writer from the dilettante. Mighty expensive, shipping a 54-page story off to the UK. But at least I've proved I'm not a dilettante.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Track Down

In my building's garage, someone broke into an SUV and swiped a GPS unit and carrying case. The victim, a neighbor named Lester, has called out the thief via a note left on the building bulletin board and every door into the garage. Lester has served notice that if his property isn't returned by Wednesday, he'll will hunt down the thief. In addition, Lester mentioned that his anger grows greater the longer he searches.

I don't know Lester. I don't know how he knows the thief is someone in our building. I don't know how he plans on finding him. But his note was so furious and hostile that I almost went out and bought a GPS and left it in Lester's SUV.

I got a feeling, come Wednesday, there's gonna be a manhunt.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Nice Biopsy Plus Walking Update

Tendinitis, low red blood count and now a biopsy on some moles the skin doc found today. One lay near the tip of my nose. Now I have a dorky nose bandage. Enough! Stop! No more medical procedures! (Though I'll take all of them in the vast scheme of things.)

Walked 44 minutes today without any soreness. Next week, I'll walk 48 3x, which should finally put me past three miles on each walk. Three miles was always the starting point from which I resumed training after every injury. Now I'm glad to reach it after almost a month of starts and stops. Ah, sure and 'tis a new day.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...