Sunday, April 04, 2021

Godzilla vs. King Kong Pitch Meeting

 Courtesy of comic Ryan George over at Screen Rant.  SPOILER ALERT in case you wish to be among the dozens eager to witness this CGI fest. Keep a careful eye out for plot holes.


Authors 4 Characters said...

I WANT to see this movie! When you're dealing with two titans like Godzilla and Kong, your eyes are consumed by the sight of these guys and you're too busy munching popcorn to care about how much sense it makes, or not. This is the Hogan versus Andre class of the movie monster titans. Does it have to make logical sense?

If so, King Kong Lives was a serious hiccup.

JP Mac said...

For me, it helps if it makes logical sense.

Otherwise I'm pulled out of the story wondering
why X, how come y?

Authors 4 Characters said...

Yeah. That works, too. Maybe I'm so Awed by those characters, everything else slips my mind.

One youtube post from Looper (?) talked about the discrepancies in Kong's height. In the original, I THINK he was about 20-40 feet tall. To go from 20-40 feet to what...300 feet tall...that is a serious growth spurt! So MAYBE there should be some explanation. Godzilla's height I was never sure of, to that would go under the radar.

And, yup, the PITCH MEETING did divulge some obvious plot holes. Still, that would be a fun movie to see. Maybe this weekend, I'll rent it.

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