Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Run/Write Report

Another 3 miles yesterday, walking fast for two minutes then running for 1 and repeating as necessary to cover the distance in 36:53 which comes out to 12:17 a mile. Despite the fact that I'm fat as a bean bag sofa, I was pleased to finish minus knee soreness, a state that continues into today. Hopefully, I'll keep up this routine for the next month, 3x a week. Unless work intervenes. Then I'll be forced to give up work. I had an idea for a fast, fun science fiction story that I would write in a week. It's turned into two weeks. Unlike the curt "Fresh Ideas," this one seems to be growing into another 8K-word honker ala "Bane Fish." As I've never written a sci-fi story, I find myself spending a lot of time crafting backstory that won't see the page but ends up informing my story choices. I need to complete a draft before I totally bail out for something easier.


Keeper said...

I need to find some sort of exercise regimen. I get so winded so easily these days.

In California, my work day consisted of going up and down a flight of stairs at least a dozen times.

Here, it's just walking into another room. And the new place probably will be all in the same room or something "easier". Bah!

Look forward to seeing sci-fi from you!

JP Mac said...


Do you fancy that genre?

Luke said...

Well, I like sci-fi. Backstory never hitting the page, i'm having a similar problem. I hope to read it soon. Hopefully it will be out before two weeks unless you can make sure i'll be able to read it around my camp's blocker.

JP Mac said...

Probably won't be done for four weeks.

Then I have to send it out to publications, so it'll be awhile, as they say in the trade.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...