Thursday, November 26, 2009

Finally, Lovecraft Reaches TV Animation

An animated show I can get behind.

h/t: TheZebu

Oh, Happy Thanksgiving!


SquirrelyWrath said...

Made of win and madness. Kinda wish Animaniacs had touched on cthulu back in the day. No literally touch him to see if he's squishy.

Kate said...

And also a lovely day to both of you, my dear.

JP Mac said...

We tried, but his underwater city was in a down period back then.

JP Mac said...

Happy T-Day to yourself and the kids.

SquirrelyWrath said...

That's ok, Maxwell Atoms caught him on the upside running some sort of telemarketing scheme. Silly elders and their get rich quick schemes. By the way, Happy Thanksgiving!

JP Mac said...

It's nice to see that crime doesn't pay even for Great Old Ones.

Happy T-Day to you!

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