Friday, July 09, 2010

Invited to Submit a Short Story

Goodly folk at the Journal of Microliterature have invited me to submit a short story under 1k words. This invite comes about via the great feedback "Fresh Ideas" has gotten on Every Day Fiction. If you have not read it yet, do stop by and, should the spirit move you, vote generously. I'm currently in a 4-way tie for #2. Push me over the top, I implore you! (And I rarely 'implore.')

Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated

Story editor Mitch Watson announced the latest incarnation of Scooby-Doo! is headed for the small screen this Monday, July 12 at 7:00 PM PST on Cartoon Network. Paul Rugg wrote several episodes. (I wrote one.) Scares and laughs combine as the gang investigates a small town with more mysteries than the library. Give it a view.

Tom On Board

Tom Ruegger's new blog is up.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Another July 4 5K

Back in business as I finished the Santa Clarita 5K this morning. Unlike 2007, the day was perfect, cool with cloud cover until well after the finish.

Part of Chi Running involves keeping cadence with a metronome. Running uphill, I shorten my stride; downhill I lengthen it out behind me; and to speed up on the flats, I lean forward from my ankles ala a ski jumper only not so extreme or I would be badly hurt in a different way.

But the cadence is always the same.

I really noticed this going uphill today. My heart rate didn't spike, my breath stayed constant and I steadily passed huffing runners.

My goal was to have a fun, injury-free race, though I did pick it up on the last straightaway to the finish line. An old guy passed me. I am an old guy, but this runner made me look like Justin Beiber. (If Justin's nose was all funny from skin cancer.) I leaned from the ankles, sped up and passed him. The old codger put on the gas and passed me again. Leaning further, I sped up, dropped the codger, passed a teenage girl and finished in an unofficial time of 29:37. (Santa Clarita is old school - tear the tag off your race bib and hand it to the kid at the end of the chute.)

In an interesting decision, the race directors choose not to display mile signs or have anyone calling out splits. I guess they figured its a 5K, not Boston. ("Next thing ya know, they'll want race videos.") However, they made up for it with a nice technical tee-shirt in a color I don't have.

Oddly enough, the 2007 event was my first race back after tearing a calf muscle that spring. Santa Clarita appears to be my rehab 5K of choice.

An enjoyable run that showed me the potential of chi running. More importantly, no pain or soreness in my knee.

Happy July 4th to all! Cook! Blow something up! Sleep in! The Founding Fathers would've done all those things, but John Adams yelled at them so they declared Independence instead.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

My Own Private Badwater

Jimmy Freeman prepares to run the real thing July 12 to 14 - 135 miles from the floor of Death Valley to Mount Whitney across terrain the temperature and contour of the planet Mercury.

Meanwhile I will be running a 5k in Santa Clarita. All things are relative and this is a big deal for a guy who wasn't supposed to run anymore. I'm still trying to master this Chi running stuff and have advanced to the point where I can pass people tying their shoes or eating a snack. My Sunday goal is a fun run without injury, plus a technical tee-shirt in my goodie bag. I think free Smoothies afterward, but that may be wishful thinking.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Paper Wave; Writing/Running Update

A mound of unread books and magazines has drawn me away from the Web along with a desire to reestablish myself as a guy who can focus with single-minded intent on the printed word, as Internet use has gradually eroded my ability to do so. I've officially begun the other two sections of my novel. Rather than a detailed outline, which has killed two other book attempts, this time I'm filling chapters with stream-of-consciousness notes, thoughts, scenes. That way, I'm more open to the sudden, unexpected changes that will arise. I'm quite excited after avoiding the start for months. Halloween remains my deadline for a first draft. Went a'hiking with Paul Rugg the other day. Paul's not afraid of a vertical trail. However, coming down those vertical trails pounded my knee into soreness. Ran two miles and walked one on Thursday with lingering knee tenderness. Iced on Thu. and Fri; did yoga yesterday, then walked two/ran two today over at Griffith Park. Much improved knee and I finished the run relaxed and pain-free. This Chi running style is quite different and will take a long time to master, but it eliminates the jarring heel strike I practiced successfully for 40 years (give or take a few years off for drunkenness or sloth).

Sunday, June 06, 2010

D-Day Kudos

Sixty-six years ago they went ashore on beaches called Gold, Sword (British), Juno (Canadians), Utah and Omaha (Americans). Thanks to the men who invaded Normandy and ended Nazi rule of France, ensuring the world's supply of depressing literature would continue on into a new century. Freedom must include poor usage or it isn't really freedom. Observe college students. Anyway, the Allies rocked big time that far-off day. Their memory lives on.

BTW: An interesting footnote I probably learned from the History Channel, ie. numerous 16 mm reels of great D-Day battle footage lie at the bottom of the English Channel. A U.S. Army cameraman reported his film, and that of other combat cameramen, were collected by a colonel who stuffed the canisters in a duffel bag, then accidentally dropped the bag into the sea. I feel something similar happens to most of my tax dollars.

SD Marathoners Run Away!

That's what they're doing right now: Ernesto, Emil, Rouman, C.J., Mindy, Caroline, Lindsey, aided by coaches Dave, Karla, Chris, Elizabeth and walk coach extraordinaire Kim Possible. They're running away at the new and improved San Diego Marathon. Adding a half-marathon (for the general public) and changing the course to end at Sea World has pumped up race attendance by thousands. Best of luck to all and here's hoping the marine layer lasts 'till afternoon.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...