Friday, March 03, 2006

Rejection Spam

One of my short-stories was turned down by an undergrad publication. I received the standard email rejection: "not selected, try again, etc." However the staffer sending out the notice hit reply-all. Myself and about fourteen other writers got the same rejection as well as each other's email addresses.

After discreetly notifying the publication of their goof, I checked my inbox. Two of the rejected writers were now squabbling, with one threatening to "bitch slap" the other — in reply-all mode.

To top it off, the name of the publication was something like "Silly Brain Magazine."

"By their works, ye shall know them."

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Every Picture Doesn't Tell A Story

Summer TNT started on Feb. 4 and I have yet to run with my pace group. However, my injured tendon and knee feel much improved. This Saturday we run eight miles on trails above the Rose Bowl. I'll be running solo once again. Perhaps I'll join them next week for ten.

Visited my old land lady. She's in a nursing home out in the San Gabriel Valley. Her bones are like popsicle sticks and she weighs 87 pounds. I pushed her outside in a wheelchair so she could have a couple of smokes. The nursing home is her last stop before Judgment Day and she knows it. Tough old gal.

Got work on a new animated show. It's developed from a well-drawn picture book. Alas, the well-drawn pictures need a story propelling them forward and there is precious little. The main characters don't really want anything and there are no consequences if they stay in this slothful state. In addition, there is no antagonist standing in the way of their anti-goals. It's just characters and a setting.

However, it pays decently and right now that covers a lot of absentee elements.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Booked Up

I'm deep into the outline for my young adult horror novel. The time line idea faded as more details suggested themselves. So I'm moving ahead, letting new concepts and characters steer me toward whatever ending they like. Then I'll go back and tidy things; hone the chapters in my writing workshop; get feedback from various trusted folk.

Afterwards, notes get added and I write the first four chapters. Finally, my agent takes chapters and outline around New York, seeking an editor who believes in the story. And I dream of listening to spooky soundtracks ( Hans Zimmer's "The Ring") and writing a horror book.

A fine goodly dream and a path I intend to follow.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Best in Awhile

Ran six miles with the team today. I would run one minute, then walk two. Felt pretty good; my knee was heavily wrapped; longest I've done since my injury at Pacific Shoreline three weeks ago.

I think Aqua Running helps.

T'ai Chi makes a return to my exercise rotation. Great for tendons.

Between swimming, cardio machines, strengh training, and T'ai Chi, I have to remember to eventually wedge in a bit more plain, old, ordinary running.

They say it's a big plus for marathon training.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

TNT Strength Training

A new TNT training wrinkle this season: strength training. Not weights, but exercises that build up the core — torso — and other parts. One pass through the six different stations feels deceptively easy. Two passes and I want to nap. The training is held in a foothill sport's facility catering to professional athletes. Clients also include teens with well-off parents.

Health Club #3 broke the portly string. The place was brightly lit and filled with busy slim people. I got the impression they went to starter health clubs just to get in shape to join this one. Plenty of cardio machines and Spin classes. However, parking was a big pain.

And so I'll pass.

Who wants to walk several blocks to exercise?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Health Club Shopping

Ran a little at practice last Saturday, perhaps a quarter mile. Some soreness. Longest I've run since the injury. Walked three miles yesterday. Felt fine. I think I need to add a health club to my cross-training. Today, I started shopping.

I selected five within a 10 - 15 minute drive from my home. At Club #1, I was met by an obese sales rep the size of a landing craft. Not exactly your health club poster boy, but competent enough in his chosen field. This club was a meat and potatoes operation with lots of weights and cardio machines; parking was so-so; great monthly rate. No pool. I signed up for an inexpensive 30-day trial while I check out the others.

Club #2 featured a very buff sales rep; fantastic parking, great location, but tiny cardio section. There was an outdoor pool and whirl pool. However the whirl pool was filled—and I mean this in the sense of Jell-o filling a bowl—by a great portly man. God bless him for belonging to a health club, but the sight of this guy rising out of the water cooled me out on Club #2.

A supersize leitmotif? I'll know more after seeing Club #3 tomorrow evening.

Monday, February 20, 2006

No Charms in the Tank

Orgins may differ, but all USMC apricot prohibitions are held by Army tankers. In addition to apricots, armor personal believe Charm's Candy — small hard candies found in field rations — will cause rain. They too are unwelcome aboard tanks. And not just tanks. The apricot/Charms rule pertains to Marine Corps amphibious tractors and LVTs as well as the Army's entire array of steely vehicles. Here's an AP article written just prior to the Iraq war that touches on the these touchy subjects.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...