Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cops Afoot

LAPD in Griffith Park. I was walking my 40 minutes today as the police held a fitness test. They must've run around 5 miles. A uniformed cop timed them as they finished up near the Ranger Station. One guy had the worst form I've ever seen on a runner: shoulders hunched up, big steps landing on his heels. But, hey, he's a cop. Whose gonna tell him?

Mo LeMarche Prepares

Maurice LeMarche and another guy prepare for the second annual "Talk Like William Shatner Day."

h/t: maurice453

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quake and Walking

4 at 4. Time of the morning and the magnitude of the earthquake. A rumble, a shake, a listen for breaking glass, silence, back to sleep.

A 40 minute walk today. No soreness in the knee. I've been icing since last week and, so far, everything's cool (so to speak.) No running until I can cover 3 miles without soreness or pain.

Fasting tonight for a physical tomorrow; first one in three years. I feel Okay but might as well get one before my coverage runs out at month's end.

Since I'm not supposed to eat, I crave snackage.

Monday, March 15, 2010

So Long, Mr. Phelps

Peter Graves passed away from a heart attack. Back in the day, he was the leader of the IMF team on TVs Mission: Impossible (from the second season on.) 'Mission' was a must-see in my home growing up. I especially enjoyed Martin Landau impersonating big-time crooks or commies, then pulling off his false face to the amazement of transgressors. Once in awhile, there would be a two-part show, which absolutely frosted my dad. He considered it an unwritten contract with CBS that an hour show would last an hour, not two hours spread out over two weeks. Lalo Schifrin's great title score was classic. In any case, listen and remember:

h/t: 80sand70sMemories

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Physical Therapy Graduation

Once again, finishing up physical therapy tomorrow. The tendinitis in my shoulder is mostly cleared up, with pain down to a twinge. However, my knee has been sore the last few days. I walked briefly today. I'll rest up and ice through next Tuesday before I attempt another walk. Anyway, glad to be done with therapy, though I'll miss the therapists. They made pain fun.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Live Blogging My Call With the Franchise Tax Board

1111 AM: You have reached the Franchise Tax Board. For our menu in English press one. For our menu in different languages including Pig Latin and Esperanto, press two. (I press one.)

1112 AM: For individuals broken under the millstone of the state, press one. For businesses, press two. To be instantly disconnected, press three. (I press two.)

1113 AM: For a complicated electronic menu that addresses all needs but yours, press one. Otherwise, wait on the line for an operator. Your estimated wait will be ten minutes in geological time. (I wait, trying to figure out how long ten geological minutes might be. I'm not encouraged.)

1119 AM: Muzak consists of soothing New Age melodies, lots of harp and Celtic drum. It sounds like the LOR underscore when Frodo visited various Elf Towns. I'm nodding off. Drool rolls down the corner of my mouth like a gentle Elven waterfall.

1134 AM: I awake with a snort, my sweatshirt soaked. The music is fading, dying out. Excitement builds. But then the muzak swells. False alert. I eat a whole-wheat waffle.

1146 AM: The music changes to a peppy Calypso beat alive with steelpan, bongos and flute. I'm happy. I'm on vacation, dancing on the sand in a large straw hat. But then, I catch myself. I'm on the phone waiting for the Franchise Tax Board. No one dances to that. No one good.

1152 AM: Another false alert. But this time I refuse to be baited into hope.

1158 AM: A ring tone! A man's voice! Hello, this is Pembry Teal, workstation number 8925, how may I assist you?

Me: Please don't leave me! Please. I want to see if an estimated tax check cleared.

Pembry: Sir, please don't plead. We're trained to react to pleading as if it were a dodge used by cheaters to avoid tax liability.

Me: I withdraw my plea. I'm a regular guy, checking on a check. Is that Okay?

Pembry: (Long sigh.) Don't be cute or coy or use irony or sarcasm, sir. We're trained to react to these tones as if they were dodges used by cheaters to avoid tax liability.

1201 PM: (I give Pembry my tax ID, name and address of corporation. There is no inflection in my voice whatsoever, nothing that would activate Pembry's hair-trigger cheater alert.)

Pembry: Sir, there is no indication that you ever sent a check.

Me: What if I send another one before March 15?

Pembry: Is this a ruse to avoid tax liability?

Me: No. I want to send you money.

Pembry: Very well. But add a $35 penalty for failure to pay 2009 estimated tax.

Me: But I paid it! Someone lost the check, either the post office or you guys. Why do I have to pay more for government mistakes?

Pembry: This is tax dodge talk.

Me: Okay, okay. Thirty-five bucks.

Pembry: Send it before March 15 or there will be further penalties. I won't say 'good-bye' or 'have a nice day' because I believe you're a slick avoider of liabilities, a sand crab hiding in the glove box of efficient government.

Me: 'Sand crab?'


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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...