Showing posts with label ChatGBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ChatGBT. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea with All-Transgendered Cast

 Once again, I asked ChatGPT to write me a YouTube script. This time the subject was a Disney + remake of the above-mentioned Jules Verne classic. And once again, AI did not disappoint. It even invented a fake review channel.

Title: "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: A Transcendent Adventure | Disney+ Remake"


Host (H): Welcome back, movie enthusiasts, to another exciting episode of "CineMagic," your source for all things film and entertainment! Today, we have something truly groundbreaking to discuss. Disney+ is taking us on an underwater journey like never before with their remake of the 1954 classic, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." What sets this adaptation apart? Well, the entire cast features transgender actors, making it a significant milestone in Hollywood's pursuit of inclusivity and representation. Let's dive right in!

[Scene-by-Scene Analysis]

[Scene 1: The Nautilus]

H: Our story begins aboard the remarkable submarine, the Nautilus, commanded by the enigmatic Captain Nemo, played by the talented transgender actress, Alexis Williams. Williams brings depth and complexity to the character, making Nemo's inner turmoil and quest for justice even more compelling.

[Scene 2: Professor Aronnax]

H: Joining Nemo on his voyage is Professor Pierre Aronnax, portrayed by the charismatic transgender actor, Jordan Rodriguez. Rodriguez's portrayal adds a unique perspective to Aronnax's scientific curiosity and moral dilemmas as they explore the mysteries of the deep.

[Scene 3: Ned Land]

H: We can't forget the fearless Ned Land, portrayed by transgender actor Sam Patel. Patel's Ned Land is not only a master harpooner but also a symbol of resilience, highlighting the diversity within the transgender community.

[Scene 4: The Underwater World]

H: The breathtaking underwater scenes, brought to life through cutting-edge CGI, immerse viewers in a visually stunning and immersive world. The representation of aquatic life and coral reefs is not only visually impressive but also ecologically relevant, emphasizing Disney's commitment to environmental awareness.

[Scene 5: Exploration and Ethics]

H: As our heroes explore the depths of the ocean, the film delves into profound ethical questions surrounding humanity's impact on the environment and the consequences of unchecked technology. The transgender cast brings a unique perspective to these discussions, making them even more thought-provoking.

[Scene 6: Inclusivity and Representation]

H: "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" is not just a remake; it's a celebration of diversity and representation in film. Disney+ has taken a bold step towards inclusivity, not only in front of the camera but also behind it, with transgender individuals involved in various aspects of production.

[Scene 7: A Modern Classic]

H: This remake pays homage to the 1954 classic while reimagining it for a new generation. The powerful performances of the transgender cast breathe new life into this timeless story of adventure, morality, and the mysteries of the deep.


H: "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: A Transcendent Adventure" on Disney+ promises to be a groundbreaking cinematic experience that combines classic storytelling with contemporary inclusivity. By featuring an all-transgender cast, Disney+ is taking a significant step towards a more diverse and representative future for the film industry. We can't wait to see how this underwater adventure unfolds. Don't forget to subscribe, like, and share to stay updated on all things CineMagic! Thanks for watching, and remember, magic happens when we all come together!

Disney + equals Disney films plus trans/gay stuff plus Disney films containing trans/gay stuff.

Even AI knows this.


Thursday, February 16, 2023

Free AI Voice Round-Up by AI

I slapped up a quick post on my AI experiences then decided to see how AI would handle the topic.


John P. McCann vs Artificial Intelligence 


After a week or so of bold experimentation—scroll down for examples—I submit the following brief, incomplete report on my AI voice, text, and video experiences to date.

Fliki: Some voices tend to have that AI artificiality. Simple, easy editing interface including music library. Unlike other services, you can build your short on the platform. But minutes are limited before you're required to purchase more.

Elai: (Pronounced Ah-Lie) Free voices are limited in number but you get one free minute video. (Good for a short or two.) Offers a paid service whereby you upload your image and dialogue from a smart phone. They'll send you your AI avatar.

Lovo: Free service voices include several gems, but their Genny editing software is rather basic and requires a downloaded film. 

Synthesia: Free 10-second AI film. I tried something cute, ala creating an AI video to introduce this article but kept getting 405 Not Allowed. Lots of features, but most are of the paid variety. 

Writing time for the post was around a half-hour between grabbing urls and coffee and checking my phone. Because AI popular kid Chat GPT was at capacity, I visited After plugging in keywords such as the website names and phrases like "compare and contrast," here's what AI churned out in less than 30 seconds.


Artificial Intelligence

Free AI Platforms


The following platforms are free AI platforms that have been in development for a while and have a lot of features.


Lovo is a free AI platform that lets you create music and voiceovers in minutes. Lovo uses the same technology as Apple's Siri, so it can understand your voice commands, answer questions, and even make recommendations based on what you like or don't like.

Lovo has a library of over 1 million songs, including covers of popular songs--and if they don't have what you're looking for in their catalog they'll find it elsewhere! You can also use Lovo to record yourself singing or speaking so you can save it as an audio file (MP3).


If you're looking for a free AI platform, Elai is an excellent choice. Elai is a complete AI voice assistant that allows users to access all of their daily tasks and activities through voice commands. It has a full range of functions including weather updates, news aggregation, music streaming and even language translation. For those who love listening to music or audiobooks on their phone or computer but don't want to spend any money doing so, Elai also has an extensive library of songs and audio books available at no cost.


Fliki is a free artificial intelligence platform that helps you create music with your own voice. You can use Fliki to create AI-powered music, or use it as an additional tool in your production pipeline.

Fliki uses deep learning algorithms to convert speech into musical notes, which you can then edit and manipulate using their software editor (or any other DAW). You can also import existing audio files into Fliki's library of over 200GB, allowing for real-time processing of prerecorded material without having to record anything yourself!


Synthesia is a free platform that provides human-sounding voices, music library and editing tools.

The website offers a variety of instruments to choose from so you can create your own compositions with ease. It also allows users to upload their own audio files as well as share them with other users around the world. This makes it easier for people who want to collaborate on projects together without having any prior experience in music production or programming skills!

On Platform Editing

It's important to note that when we talk about editing on the platform, we mean that you can edit your text using the tools provided by the platform. For example, if you are using Lovo (which is an AI-powered writing assistant) and have written a document using their app, then you would be able to use their editing tools in order to make changes or additions to your work before sharing it with others.

Music Library

Lovo has a large music library, with over 2 million tracks available. This makes it one of the best options for users who want access to as many songs as possible. also has a large selection of songs, with over 1 million tracks available through its platform.

Fliki has a small music library--around 80,000 tracks--but its focus on indie artists makes it ideal for niche listeners who want something different from mainstream hits and chart-toppers.

Synthesia is also not designed for casual listeners; instead, this AI provides users with custom-made playlists based on their musical preferences (and even mood).

Human-Sounding Voices

Lovo is the only platform that has human-sounding voices with a unique voice for each character. These voices can be customized, and you can use Lovo's built-in voice editor to change their pitch and speed of speech. and Fliki also offer synthetic voices, but they don't sound as natural or realistic as Lovo's do (at least from what we've heard).

These platforms have different strengths and weaknesses

  • Lovo has a good music library, but it doesn't have any voice generation or editing features.
  • Elai has a good AI-generated voice, but its library is smaller than other platforms and the interface isn't as user-friendly.
  • Fliki is great for editing on the platform--it lets users modify their sounds in real time using their computer keyboard or mouse (similar to how GarageBand works).
  • Synthesia's audio clips are free, but they're not always professional quality; most people use it as an entry point into creating their own music rather than as an end product in itself.

On Platform Editing is another option if you want to create songs without leaving your browser window open: You can record yourself singing or playing instruments live into a microphone connected directly into your computer's audio input jack (or connected via USB), then add effects like echo or reverb afterward through On Platform Editing's built-in software suite.


We hope you found this article helpful, and that it has inspired you to explore the world of free AI platforms. As we mentioned earlier, there are many other options out there besides those we covered here--and even some paid ones! So if one doesn't work out for whatever reason (or if they all do), don't hesitate to search around until you find something that does fit your needs perfectly.



Other than some formatting changes, the above is AI's first pass. 

And no coffee breaks.

But would it work as a video?

We shall see.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

ChatGPT Composes a Love Poem ala Karl Marx

The Power of Oneness

 "From Oppression to Liberation: A Love Song for the Working Class"

by ChatGPT

As the worker toils in the factory,
His heart aches for his love so true.
But under the yoke of capitalist oppression,
He cannot freely express his feelings as he wishes to.

For his love is a commodity,
Like all things under capitalism's rule.
    It is bought and sold, used and abused,
And kept from him as a precious jewel.

But in the struggle for a socialist future,
Where the means of production are shared,
Love will be freed from its capitalist shackles, And the worker will finally be spared.

With love as a human right,
Not just a product of economic might,
The worker will love freely and boldly,
For the socialist revolution has made all things right.

But will it work as an AI-crafted video? I'll know soon.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...