Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Editing Diversity Pleases Chi Com Censors

 Money talks and the LGBTQ walk as comic Ryan Long exposes Hollywood hypocrisy. 


Authors 4 Characters said... Communist China runs north American internet content?

First they GIVE the world Covid. Now they take away internet content freedom?!

Good thing I'm sitting in a hospital waiting room. That way, if this idiocy gives me an aneurism,I can be treated quickly.😠😬

JP Mac said...

Actually, they fund Hollywood movies then order edits
if anything offends the Communist Party.

Hope you're feeling better.

Authors 4 Characters said...

Doing well. Will be back 2 work in three more weeks, Thak God!

But speaking of which, it's a sad and pathetic thing when Hollywood gets their undies in a bunch over the "religious right" infringing on their freedoms when they're taking money from the very group that is calling the shots. 😠😳😶

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