Friday, April 24, 2009

Scooby Doo Script

Work? Perhaps. And a half-hour script at that. I've got to peruse some material, come up with ideas, and meet the story editor next week. Paid work. What a novelty!

And while nothing is certain until after the check has cleared, this has a positive feel.

I'd like to chat longer, but, you see, I must work.


Keeper said...


Animation? live-action? turtle theater?

JP Mac said...


Though turtle theater remains a sought-after goal.

Troy said...

Paid work, huzzah! John shall once again throw parties with the finest cheeses and wines!

JP Mac said...

At the very least pizza rolls and Dr. Pepper.

takineko said...

Yaaayz! Congrats! Let us know if they pay you with that sneeky Monopoly money. They get me with that one everytime!

An animation about a turtle theater?

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...