Polishing up the sit-com for a Thursday send-in. My agent may have a coronary. I'll certainly have to remind her it's something we've discussed over the years.
After that, two short stories to send out, then the oft-written, never polished, five chapters from a young adult novel that stopped suddenly during our move last year and has supported cobwebs ever since.
Out with it all! Fie! Begone! Scat, annoying unfinished things! "I spit in your general direction."
So John, They make you write sitcom stips to get a job in Animation?
Why not just have you write a CARTOON script? o_0
Ether way, I'm sure it's a funny story, but still. it's really funny the way the industry works nowadays.
For awhile, one of the major studios would not consider any animation work samples, just sitcoms.
This had to do with the bias of the development head, who came from sit-coms.
And while that's since changed, I still need a new sit-com sample just to have.
But it is a funny, odd business.
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