Friday, January 06, 2006

OC Half Marathon and Writing

Very excited. The Orange County Half-Marathon is this Sunday. I'm looking forward to my longest run since Honolulu.

Busy doing notes on another animated script—very dense, overpopulated thing. Keeping track of the characters and business consumes great chunks of time. I'm experimenting with twenty minute increments. Each hour, spend 20 minutes on notes and the rest on other important projects such as downloading songs from iTunes.


k said...

I just heard a rumor that there's a MARINE marathon!

JP Mac said...

In Washington, D.C. I believe it ends near the Iwo Jima Mounument in Arlington across the river.

JP Mac said...

Not in the near future.

God willing, my marathon plans are:

1. San Diego Rock 'N' Roll in June.

2. Chicago Marathon in Oct.

3. LA Marathon in March 2007.

Eventually, I will return to Honolulu and "avenge" myself by running a good time.

BTW, you should write a storm story.

k said...

I am so chicken. soooo, very, chicken. You have no idea.

JP Mac said...

Pretend as if you're writing it to me, or Joy, or Max Figler.

k said...

Um...Who's Max Figler?

JP Mac said...

Bald supervisor; Skokie P.O.; talked like a duck.

k said...

Yes! I'd just remembered. Those WWII bayonet scars.

Well. You and Joy will do just fine.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...