Had a short story returned from Cemetery Dance Magazine. They rejected my submission but encouraged me to try again. As horror magazines go, they are on the high end, publishing the likes of Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and, hopefully, me some day.
I've been writing horror stories since college, but fell out of it for a long time. Didn't start back until I began this ongoing writer's workshop in '04.
It's funny how the personalities, or sort of "corporate culture," differs so much in different writing spheres. I remember when the AMI headquarters in Boca got the anthrax poisoning, I was deeply impressed with the quality of those employees' characters. They were remarkably intelligent, perceptive, kind, loving towards their families and co-workers, brave, tough, sweet...All this from the folks who bring us The National Enquirer. Go figure.
Then I think of those bitter, sarcastic types you mentioned. You can probably guess how much patience I have for that. We all have aggravations and genuinely bitter things in our lives. Choosing the positive things, like just allowing that it's OK to have fun, is up to us. We can all find avenues to bring on those endorphins.
And most of those bitter types, that I've talked to anyway, were accidentally born into top-of-the-pecking-order socioeconomic groups. So. What do they have to be so nasty about? They want to see good cause for bitterness, send 'em down to New Orleans. Or hey! how about overseas to Vietnam, little kids playing around that old unexploded ordinance that they had nothing to do with, and its predicable consequences.
It seems like the last year or so has you really stretching. The marathon, horror, novels, blog, all those. It's so cool. It must feel good. Did anything in particular inspire all this?
Have you published anything in the horrrrrrrrror genre yet? Is this a new thing altogether?
Very old.
I've been writing horror stories since college, but fell out of it for a long time. Didn't start back until I began this ongoing writer's workshop in '04.
Nice people, good feedback. I really like it.
It's funny how the personalities, or sort of "corporate culture," differs so much in different writing spheres. I remember when the AMI headquarters in Boca got the anthrax poisoning, I was deeply impressed with the quality of those employees' characters. They were remarkably intelligent, perceptive, kind, loving towards their families and co-workers, brave, tough, sweet...All this from the folks who bring us The National Enquirer. Go figure.
Then I think of those bitter, sarcastic types you mentioned. You can probably guess how much patience I have for that. We all have aggravations and genuinely bitter things in our lives. Choosing the positive things, like just allowing that it's OK to have fun, is up to us. We can all find avenues to bring on those endorphins.
And most of those bitter types, that I've talked to anyway, were accidentally born into top-of-the-pecking-order socioeconomic groups. So. What do they have to be so nasty about? They want to see good cause for bitterness, send 'em down to New Orleans. Or hey! how about overseas to Vietnam, little kids playing around that old unexploded ordinance that they had nothing to do with, and its predicable consequences.
It seems like the last year or so has you really stretching. The marathon, horror, novels, blog, all those. It's so cool. It must feel good. Did anything in particular inspire all this?
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