A busy time as I work on an animated script and interview for a story-editing job starting early next year. For now, I'm grateful to be home and in good health. Tomorrow I meet with Team in Training and continue my post-marathon recovery. At this point we're mostly walking. I miss the Team and look forward to another season running with some of the same folk. In any event, Happy Holidays. May Santa bring you something other than fruit cakes and underwear. That is, unless you've asked for fruit cakes and underwear.

Then I hope you get a lot.
You like to decorate your posts.
Yes. More fun for everyone.
He's just trying to make lazier bloggers look bad :(
In a fair world, all blog entries would look like lazy people wrote them!
Hmm. I can't figure out which I should be more embarassed about, the laziness part or the hopelessly technically incompetent part.
Good thing I'm so nearly unembarassable.
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