Thursday, April 07, 2016

How Much 'Science' Is Necessary in Science Fiction?

Author Wrestles with Proper SF Ratio

Attempting to move ahead with my next book, but keep hitting speed bumps. How much science do I need for verisimilitude in a sci-fi story?

Over the last week I've burrowed deep into the work of Tesla at Colorado Springs, his Wardenclyffe Tower, HAARP, Lenz's Law, Telluric current, Knot Theory, String Theory, and much more in the realm of quantum physics.

I'm growing to hate the whole project, but I can't start unless I know what result a certain character sought to achieve in the realm of science and what what wrong. (Then comes the relatively easy part: how do the characters deal with disaster.)

But last night while watching Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, it struck me that I don't need any heavy theory. Not really.


There's a reason Stephen King's The Mist is listed a horror story and not sci-fi, even though something involving the fictional Arrowhead Project goes haywire and kicks everything off. We don't really need to know the science of popping open another dimension. All we really need to know is that it's a hazardous thing for people.

Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy also comes to mind when pondering light, breezy  space fiction.

And despite the setting in 'a galaxy far away,' Star Wars is often referred to as space opera and not science fiction.

So this morning I feel much better, rejuvenated, and ready to outline. Since I'm not bucking to publish in Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, all I require is starter science to get the story rolling, then put the characters in maximum jeopardy.

Speaking of books, and that's pretty much all I'm doing these days, Hallow Mass is in pre-order for Kindle editions.

Or, if you feel fortunate, you might enter a giveaway for a free signed copy, courtesy of Goodreads.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Hallow Mass by J.P. Mac

Hallow Mass

by J.P. Mac

Giveaway ends April 28, 2016.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway
And now, back to my rump science.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

OregonMuse Delivers First Review of Hallow Mass

Michael Komarck via Space Cadets

Nods to Upcoming Horror Novel

Thanks to OregonMuse, who honchos the Sunday Morning Book Thread over at Ace of Spades HQ. He reviewed my Lovecraftian effort,  Hallow Mass:

"In Dunwich, Massachusetts, only a small, beleaguered band in the Antiquities Section at Miskatonic University is keeping back trans-dimensional horrors from wiping all human life from earth in preparation for the return of the Great Old Ones . . .

Into this simmering conflict steps Mercy O'Connor, an aimless party girl grad student in the Antiquities Section who has yet to find herself or her place in life. She's about to be thrust to the front lines of the age-old battle against ultimate evil . . .  

I liked this book very much. I loved the characters, the bad guys are suitably creepy . . . "

If so motivated, scroll down to What I'm Reading and scope out the rest. 

Hallow Mass is available for pre-order at Amazon. Pre-order delivers you the eBook version on the April 29, release date, but fine durable paperbacks will also be awaiting you at that time. I know this. I know it well.

If you're feeling fit and fortunate, then you might ready yourself for a Goodreads Giveaway starting in three days. 15 signed paperback copies of Hallow Mass will be mailed free of charge to fifteen readers selected via Goodreads algorithms. All you need do is sign up. 

Are you more visually orientated than most? Then stop by here and view a 63-second Hallow Mass book trailer. Or visit BookReels, a site specializing in trailers for the written word. In Staff Picks, check out the trailers for Hallow Mass and Fifty Shades of Zane Grey.  

Oh, what a Sunday. I'm buried in technical details for my next book, a sci-fi effort. Something says I'm overthinking everything, but eventually, I'll burn through the verisimilitude stuff and start writing. 
A happy April weekend to all. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Hot New Horror Novel Giveaway

Hallow Mas
s Headed for Late April Release

Sign Up Soon for Free Copy

In seven big days, April 7, you can enter a drawing for a free copy as Hallow Mass prepares to hit the stands in time for Walpurgis Night. Yes, I'm sure you already know the book is available for pre-order on Amazon. (Only in eBook format. However, paperbacks will be available for the Friday, April 29 launch.) But now you have a chance to receive a free SIGNED copy by the author himself, as opposed to a sensitive fellow at the local Starbucks with literary aspirations. Lovecraftians will find much to savor, while readers without knowledge of eldritch doings will enjoy a tale of sorcery, suspense, and stupendous evil entities bent on trashing earth with only a party-girl grad student and a country & western loving Zulu security guard standing in their way.

 Should you have a spare minute and six seconds, visit YouTube and check out the book trailer.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Hallow Mass by J.P. Mac

Hallow Mass

by J.P. Mac

Giveaway ends April 28, 2016.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hallow Mass Trailer Staff Pick on BookReels


Kindly Book Trailer Site Salutes Upcoming Horror Novel Promo

For the second time in the last few weeks, BookReels has seen fit to promote one of my book trailers in its featured spot. Hallow Mass is now available for eBook pre-order on, slated to go live April 29.

In the screen grab above, do note that Fifty Shades of Zane Grey is still visible as a Staff Pick. I like BookReels.   

Monday, March 21, 2016

Hallow Mass Horror Novel Inches Toward Pre-Order


Lovecraftian Tale Driving Author Mad

Mostly with little details: Library of Congress, ISBN, front and back matter, reviewer copies, new back cover head shots by photo ace Dan Hoffman. All combine to weary me. On a darker note, they are a perfect excuse not to be writing the next book. "Well, I have to research." "I must contact this artist about promotional artwork." "I need to spend hours on Pinterest, checking out sc-fi boards." Any and every excuse not to write the first draft. But the worst is over once that's done. This I know from experience. 

Upside: I'm in charge of the creative process.

Downside: (See Upside.)

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Goodreads Paperback Giveaway Ends Soon

Act Today to Receive a Free Softcover Edition

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Fifty Shades of Zane Grey by JP Mac

Fifty Shades of Zane Grey

by JP Mac

Giveaway ends March 14, 2016.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway
Make that a CHANCE for a free SIGNED edition. (Not worth much now, but I have dreams.) At last count, 579 readers had signed up to learn more about the lives and loves of Anna Ironhead, seeking romance and a bedbug-free room in the Old West. Here is a brief video, explaining her quest.

While on the subject of self-promotion, the keen-eyed folk at BookReels continue to feature Fifty Shades of Zane Grey on the front page. Slowly, I slide to the right, but it's been an enjoyable electronic movement.
50ZG is one in from the right.

Now I return to Hallow Mass. The first book trailer is ready, awaiting a pdf draft that I will release to reviewers. Then it's up on Amazon for pre-order. This is not a parody, but an actual book about people in ugly situations involving warlocks, black magic, and drinking too many mimosas. Due to release on April 29.

My arm is weary from patting myself on the back.  

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Staff Pick on BookReels


Fifty Shades of Zane Grey Book Trailer 1 Scores a Hit

Nice to be appreciated. The kind workers over at BookReels have plunked my first 50ZG Trailer onto the front page. Furthermore, they complimented the work over on Twitter calling it "super clever." 

Considering I lost my wallet last Monday and had a nasty urinary tract infection keeping me up all night on Friday, this is the best news I've had in six days. 

Friday, March 04, 2016

Building Book Trailers, Smashwords Launch, and Missing Wallet

Andrzej Krauze via Inside Policy

Writer Bedeviled by Software, Bureaucracy

More on my paperwork woes in a moment. The second trailer for Fifty Shades of Zane Grey is now up over on YouTube. (As well as linked on Twitter, Goodreads, and Pinterest.) Shorter with more competent editing, it captures the book's flavor and hopefully brings the viewer a smile or two. The weak point remains the voice overs. I need a good microphone. Come to think of it, Garageband would be a excellent place to mix the voice over and track, but it would require learning Garageband and I'm awash in iMovie tutorials at the moment. 

Book Trailers Three, Four and Five

Amazon pre-order March 11
First on the list is Hallow Mass. By next week, I hope, Hallow Mass will be available for pre-order on Amazon. I'll build a pair of trailers teasing the April 29 release. Since the book isn't entirely humorous, crafting the message will take a little thought. The fifth trailer will be for the current book I'm writing in between trailers, Kaiju vs Alien Scum. A man sets out to take his elderly aunt to Walmart for a white sale and finds himself caught between cruel alien invaders and a big fat monster. In any case, I've been impressed by the business model of author Jeremy Robinson who makes trailers for works-in-progress. 

Smashwords Welcomes Fifty Shades of Zane Grey

They have and I'm delighted to be listed there. The book is on sale through Monday, March 7. Save a buck and buy an eBook (or PDF) for a pleasant weekend read. 

Ah, the Government

On Monday, I lost my wallet containing driver's license, medical card, credit cards, Social Security number, the lot. So I call around and cancel everything. Charming. Online, I make an appointment for the Department of Motor Vehicles for a new license. They say I'll need a Social Security card to prove I'm a citizen.  So SSN is the first stop. Because I lack certain documentation, I can't do my business online. I had a passport, and, though it was expired, thought it might serve as proof of citizenship. I wanted to call SSN and double check but there is no incoming phone line for the general public to seek clarification on such matters. (Possibly dealing with the public's questions would interfere with their work.) 

At the office I stand in line just to get into the office, empty my pockets for the metal detector, then stand in another line at an electronic kiosk to input my need. Then I'm given a receipt and directed to hunt for a seat somewhere in the teaming sea of humanity, several of whom spoke English. 

Time passes. I read Michel Houellebecq's  H.P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life. (Fascinating stuff.) Two hours pass. I'm directed to a window where a young bureaucrat informs me that my passport is unacceptable. 

Me: "You understand that they don't issue passports to anyone but U.S. citizens.

Young Bureaucrat: "But it's expired."

Me: "But they issued it."

Young Bureaucrat: "The system will reject an expired passport. You could have your medical records notarized. We'd accept that."

My mouth gaped at the thought of trying to obtain my medical records, get them notarized, return with them to SSN, wait two hours, and hope nothing is expired. She continued:

Young Bureaucrat:  "Why don't you go to the Department of Motor Vehicles? They'll give you a temporary license. We'd accept that."

A supervisor was finally consulted and sided with the Young Bureaucrat. Steamed, I walked out, musing that the government didn't want a fraction of this proof when I joined the Marines. I was tempted to drive five hours south to Mexico, walk across the border, walk back, declare myself a refugee, and have all my documentation handed to me. 

Monday will be another test at the Department of Motor Vehicles, but at least I'll have an appointment.   

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fifty Shades of Zane Grey Book Trailer

Cornerstone Media Joins the Book Trailer Bandwagon

My first iMovie effort at a book trailer. If you are of a mind, stop by the Cornerstone Media page and give this a like, should such an impulse strike you. Also, 50ZG goes live on Smashwords beginning March 3. For the next week, it's discounted one fat dollar to $2.99. I now return to the printed page.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Rare Running-Walking Report

Me at the half-mile mark.

Overweight Writer Waddles Three Miles

Race reports used to be a regular fixture around here. There were marathons in Chicago and Eugene, Oregon and 10ks in Northridge, CA but age and illness have curtailed my outdoor sporting activities. Since 2009, I've had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee, skin cancer on the nose, arthroscopic surgery on my right shoulder and an operation for prostate cancer. Over the last 16 months, my weight has ballooned 30 pounds. I am a physical wreck.

So I started walking again. Even more, I signed up to walk a 5k. Nothing motivates me like shelling out money for an event. I can't move fast or far, but I can move and the endorphins percolate leaving me somewhat content. Incidentally, this upcoming race is the same 5k were I broke a metatarsal ten years ago. Time doesn't fly, it teleports.

More soon.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Enter Your Valentine in a Free Book Giveaway

Valentine's Day

Love is like a Cabbage

My love is like a cabbage
Divided into two,
The leaves I give to others,
The heart I give to you.

Author Unknown

On this day of romance, consider, then, a passionate tale of long ago love.
". . . this is very funny, very very silly and [the author] knows it. The story revels in it's own daftness, and the phrase 'completely cracked' came to mind several times while reading . . . Potential audiences would be 
anyone who likes adult humor, anyone who wants to see Fifty Shades get skewered, and readers who like satire or parody, or just downright silly books." Bookangel

Ten signed copies of Fifty Shades of Zane Grey will be given away FREE starting, you know, TODAY. Register below for a shot at snagging a hilarious tale of romance and adventure set in the Old West.

Register anytime during the 30 days between today Feb. 14 and March 14. Sometime within that month, ten winners will be selected by the staff at Goodreads using methods both cryptic and mundane. (I can say no more.) Afterwards, I mail you and the nine other fortunate awardees a free signed copy in durable softcover. And I do it willingly, quickly, without delay, for such is my manner.

Does it matter that I live in Petone, New Zealand?

It matters not where you live as long as it's in the United States, Canada, the UK, and Australia. (I'm guessing New Zealand as well, but don't hold me to it. They have three islands, were you aware? But no one ever goes to the little one below South Island. It is a confinement zone for debtors and bad hobbit impersonators.) So put forth your name for a chance to win a FREE COPY of Fifty Shades of Zane Grey. You'll be a part of something different.

 Click the button below. You will be then be entered through the marvel's of today's technology. As they say in New Zealand, good on you.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Fifty Shades of Zane Grey by JP Mac

Fifty Shades of Zane Grey

by JP Mac

Giveaway ends March 14, 2016.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...