Monday, May 27, 2013

Kurt, T.J. and Other Departed Warriors

This Memorial Day I again think of Kurt and T.J.

Imagine you knew a man from Cleveland, Ohio.

This man had one sibling, an older sister.

During Vietnam, he volunteered for dangerous assignments, operating far behind enemy lines.

After the war, he battled drugs and alcohol.

Eventually, he sobered up and went to work for a vending machine company.

For many years, he traveled in a van around Los Angeles fixing coffee and soda machines.

Now imagine you knew two men with the exact same history.  (But different vending machine companies.)

I was honored to have been friends with a pair of guys whose backgrounds meshed in such odd intimate ways. Once I introduced them at a party, figuring they'd have lots in common, but after a few polite minutes they separated.

They'd experienced stranger things.

Kurt served in Marine recon. Based out of Khe Sanh, he operated in Laos along the Ho Chi Minh Trail on operations so secret that the Americans who died there were never officially acknowledged. Kurt had extended his service to go to Vietnam. He was wounded twice, decorated, and returned home only to be attacked in a bus depot by a man angry over the war. (The man didn't fare well against Kurt who beat him into a fine mist.)

T.J. originally fought with the 12th Infantry near Dak To. He loathed the eerie randomness of combat—here one second gone the next and decided his odds would be better in the  LRRPs (Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol). Instead of waiting to be hit, TJ  crept around North Vietnamese base camps in the Central Highlands making the enemy nervous. He returned to serve out his last few months at Fort Knox, conducting tours of the U.S. Gold Reserve. One night while watching a TV show he started shaking and broke into tears.

Years would pass before he learned about PTSD.

In 2002 I made a business trip to Vietnam. I brought Kurt back a little Buddha and some red clay from Khe Sanh. TJ collected Buddhas so I picked him out a honey in Saigon: a big, fat happy Buddha, smiling like he'd just won the Power Ball,  holding up the Pearl of Knowledge. 
In the end, Vietnam finally claimed them both. Health and psychological problems shortened their lives. But they did the best they could with a bad hand and I value the times we had together.

This weekend I remember them and all who gave their lives in service to the country.

(Based on a post from 2009.)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Thanks David Linden for the "Death Honk" Nod

Years pass and I gradually remember my manners. My short story about the nature of job interviews as told through a struggle between clowns and bears has been experiencing a small revival since publication in 2010.
At the time, I failed to credit scientist and author David Linden for recommending "Death Honk" to his blog readers. I remedy that now. Thanks, David. Be on the lookout for a companion piece involving rednecks and plague-infested monkeys. 

Number 2 on Google But Why?

Briefly this morning I held the number 2 rank on Google for Wattpads, a position I neither sought nor refused. Curious ranking for a man with generally microscopic page views. What would cause this?

UPDATE: Customization was mentioned as a possible reason. But to what end? I wanted Wattpad, not any mention I ever made about Wattpad.  Ah, but it's gone now. Were it not for the screen shot I would doubt my sanity in this matter.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Work Backwards From Your Deadline


This and other useful tips on wringing the most from your writing time are available courtesy of the Publication Coach.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Thanks to Stefan Blitz and Forces of Geek

Did you ever read any? All of them contained words.
In my hustle, with generous doses of 'bustle' thrown in, I have forgotten to thank Stefan Blitz, Editor-in-Chief at Forces of Geek. From November of 2011 to March of this year he was kind enough to post my "Reviews of Films I Have Never Seen." And while the reviews started small and gradually became unseen in their own right, I nevertheless had good, sound fun writing them. Because of my astounding schedule, I have cut back on everything including sleep and time spent on the Russian-Girls-Want-You website. Thanks for the platform, Stefan, and may your page views swell to an appropriate fullness.  

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Elmore Leonard's Rules of Writing

Image: Listmaker
Tips from a guy who has written a couple of novels including a book on writing.
  1.  Never open a book with weather.
  2.  Avoid prologues.
  3.  Never use a verb other than "said" to carry dialogue.
  4.  Never use an adverb to modify the verb "said”…he admonished gravely.
  5.  Know that if you're me, anything you write will be made into a movie. Anything. Seriously, anything.  (I added this one.)
And, of course, his famous advice:
"If it sounds like writing, I re-write it."

Thursday, May 02, 2013

My Writing Schedule

Since it now consumes the bulk of my day, here's a peek into my authorial life:

1. Get up around 4:45 and write down my goals for 2013, including publishing 3 ebooks on by Dec. 1.

2. Write for an hour before breakfast.

3. Write four to five more hours.

4. Go to the gym.

5. Write another hour.

6. Spend an hour researching the ebook biz.

7. Eat dinner.

8. Watch an hour of reality show crime TV.

9. Go to bed by 9:30.

That's five days a week, with only two hours of writing and one hour of researching on Saturday. On Sunday I clean off my desk, pay the bills, and write out the next week's schedule. I will have three finished ebooks—probably two novellas and a novel—written by Thanksgiving. No one is making me do this. No one is paying me to do this. But there has never been a better time to be an author. Ebooks have changed the publishing landscape. I'm climbing on board before head implants replace the Kindle.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I Live and Do Things!

Yes, it's true. So many new things. Too many to discuss right now, but soon. If it weren't for those new things, other things would creep up and take their place so I'm grateful. Are home fries the little potato cubes?

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

I assume no one shows up here anymore and that this blog is more arid than the Mojave. In any case, I have set a task for myself of writing and publishing three ebooks by Dec. 1. My days consists of getting up around 5:00 AM, writing until around noon, off to the gym, then write until about six. Occasionally, paying work interrupts such as this week when I have marketing copy to produce. In addition, animation still lingers as I'm preparing to pitch a number of ideas to's new animation division. Who knows what Amazon will do next? Possibly surgery or cattle insemination. Nevertheless, a Happy Easter to all! (Image:

Friday, March 01, 2013

Giant of the Unknown

In honor of this week's of review of Jack the Giant Slayer,  I offer you another big man movie from days of yore. A giant of a film

h/t: cinecapripictures

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