Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

I assume no one shows up here anymore and that this blog is more arid than the Mojave. In any case, I have set a task for myself of writing and publishing three ebooks by Dec. 1. My days consists of getting up around 5:00 AM, writing until around noon, off to the gym, then write until about six. Occasionally, paying work interrupts such as this week when I have marketing copy to produce. In addition, animation still lingers as I'm preparing to pitch a number of ideas to's new animation division. Who knows what Amazon will do next? Possibly surgery or cattle insemination. Nevertheless, a Happy Easter to all! (Image:


Troy said...

Still here! But why is the Lawrence of Arabia theme on a constant loop (and what's with the empty canteen)... wait... don't go! Take me with you to the Amazon, traveler!

Anonymous said...

Kickstart a Freakazoid III, or Freakazoid like series, aka Veronica Mars kickstart project. Bring back the fun we have been missing pleaseeeeeeeee.

Keeper said...

Amazon has an animation division?? Okaaaay...

JP Mac said...

Thanks, Troy. Perhaps in time.

Anonymous, this Kickstart business is paying off all over the place. Alas, the Guy with Lightning in His Hair is not mine.

No division, per se, Keeper. But they are in a buying mood and hope to establish a steady viewership on their premium service.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...