Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Area 51 Marathon

Out in the Nevada desert somewhere near cryptic Area 51 sits the start-line for a midnight marathon, pitting runners against the dark, flying saucers and black helicopters. Running machine Emil gave it a go and returned unprobed with this race report.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Shadow Over Santa Susana

...is the name of a new book on the Manson family. MDW and I visited a trendy LA art gallery yesterday to hear the author speak.
Part of the attraction involved a high-school author chum of MDW's who wrote the forward to 'Shadow' and was present to read it to the assembled crowd. (Mike is seen here wearing a bull shirt.) As for the book, it sprinkles the CIA's MK ULTRA mind-control experiments using LSD atop the 1960s sex-and-drug drenched LA celebrity scene with a healthy garnish of Charles Manson. Quite the mix, but it sounds like fun reading. (Author Adam Gorightly pictured here, awash in note cards.)

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Events on August 9th

Forty years ago tomorrow tonight, Chuck Manson's kids killed Sharon Tate and six others up in Bel Air. Earlier that evening, Tate dined at El Coyote on Beverly Blvd. - still there - before returning home to a grisly fate.

In 1945, the plutonium bomb code-named "Fat Man" exploded over Nagasaki, killing 39,000 Japanese outright.

My friend Ken's birthday is tomorrow. He is five months older than me and I always count on his reports on how a year is playing out. I'll join him age-wise in December.

UPDATE: Almost forgot, in 1974 President Nixon resigned.

Friday, August 07, 2009

'Lessen You're a Hog or a Cattle'

So long, John Hughes. My wife and I still watch Planes, Trains, and Automobiles around Thanksgiving. (A friend used to work for John Candy and recalled he kept the trunk in his office.) Rest well and remember...we'll always have Stubbsville.

h/t: snowmoch

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

This Isn't Nice...

...but I'm posting it nonetheless. Here are 40 time-wasting websites. I barely got through the first nine without clicking on something.

h/t: PC World via American Digest

Monday, August 03, 2009

Vultures and Therapy

On the vulture front, Tom has assembled vocal tracks and continues with the artwork. Perhaps something early in 2010.

At physical therapy today, the therapist emphasized the importance of strengthening the pelvis - hips and glutes - for future running. For years, conventional wisdom promoted a strong core and stretched legs. Pelvic exercises were only mentioned in relation to Hula Hoops or Paris Hilton. So for the next two weeks, I'll do physical therapy homework until the therapist returns from vacation. Then more evaluating. But progress is being made.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Hear Hear

High drama at the neighbor's place this morning. The young daughter screamed and wailed for mother, far beyond normal screaming and wailing. As it turned out, the mother had dashed off to the store. The father explained that mom had gone to "the market." The daughter misheard and thought mom had gone to "Mars." Fortunately, Mars sells groceries as mom returned with several bags and all was well.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Lebowski Note and Freakalink

The bowling alley in "Lebowski" was located in Hollywood. My friend was there for a farewell party in 2003 (?) just before they tore it down. He said the bartender was getting pissed at hearing, "Another Caucasian, Gary."

H/T to MetaFilter and their link-rich article on Freakazoid.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...