Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Richard Stone Remembered

Paul Rugg blogs about Freakazoid scoring sessions and the magic of Richard Stone aka "Stonini."

The scoring room was on the Warner lot and had been used in such famous films as "Casablanca." They were going to tear it down at one point, but Clint Eastwood really liked scoring his films there. So the studio renovated it, putting in nifty, futuristic technical stuff and a big comfy couch.

For a time in Freakazoid Season Two, we were scoring nomads, traveling to sound stages at Paramount and Fox. But there's was nothing like the huge stage at Warners back in the day.

Director Recalls Filming Freak Season Two DVD

DVD director Troy shares his Freakazoid Season Two memories.

And remember: "Troy" spelled backwards is "Yort."

Freakazoid Season II DVD

Now available at fine DVD emporiums.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Next Deadline

Thursday afternoon, April 30. I turn a completed short story in to my agent. That means I need to line up readers now, get them pages by this Saturday, back to me by Tuesday, corrections done by Wednesday, polish Thursday morning. I think we're looking at 20-odd pages.

It can and will be done!

Boston Marathon

Version number 113 on a chilly, windy day. Dramatic finish, spent runner, good-showing by the U.S. The video is around ten minutes and captures the top three men and women finishers.

Ditching a Blog and Knee Surgery

I've shut down the running blog and will update here in one place as I've done for the last four years. Starting another blog is a perfect example of pain-avoidance. I have barrels of unfinished projects, yet I begin something new because it's always easier than completing something old.

Be warned. The mind is powerful, the mind is weak, the mind will wake you, when it's time to leak. I'm not sure what that means, but it contains elements of truth here and there.

In any case, I'm calling my orthopedic doc today to inquire about arthroscopic knee surgery. As I understand the recovery process, there's about six weeks immobile, twelve weeks limited use, then twelve weeks mildly busy use before I could think about training again.

Right now, blogging about running has a certain Lives of Others feel, but it'll do until I get going again.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Speaking of writing deadlines (which I do often), over in the sidebar my sister is slogging away on a 30-day poetry challenge. That's one poem each day based on a simple prompt.

Keep cranking, MP!

Animaniacs Salute

Keeper links to an Animaniacs salute on the piano roll, performing for a familiar audience. Apparently, these player pianos are powered by a bellows of some sort. See what you think.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Unfinished Book Projects

Couldn't quite get out of my inertia today. But there's still a few hours left. Since 2005, I've outlined three books: two adult horror stories and one, sci-fi young adult novel. The outlines are detailed and I'm wondering if there's a way I could "Rod Serling" all three. (Show creator and writer of many Twilight Zones, Serling was said to use multiple typewriters, with different stories in each carriage. He would migrate from one to the next, cranking out tales by the gross - most of them pretty good. But, alas, I don't even have one typewriter, let alone several.)

One at a time, I think.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Project Completed

Sit-com out to my agent today. What a great feeling to get off the canvas and finish something I was about to chuck. In any case, I'll relax today, then start tomorrow on the next item.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Paul Rugg Farewell Party Photos

Paul's wife uncovered photos from his 1997 Warner Bros. farewell party. He left at the right time. I stayed another two and a half years. By the time my farewell party rolled around there was no one left. (Even Greg got a better job.) We held the event in Jean's office. There were two security guards and a man there to fix the air conditioning. But the cake was good and Jean let me keep a pen.

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John P. McCann Sizzle Page

'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...