Showing posts with label Knee/Rehab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knee/Rehab. Show all posts

Saturday, February 06, 2010

TV Animation Gig and Physical Therapy

An animated job may loom on the horizon. Such a novelty these days, though my agent reported more cartoon shows are surfacing than over the last three years. A studio exec. wanted to see old school Warners stuff. I sent along an Animaniacs script that never got produced, but has been well-received as a writing sample. Called "The Big Nap," the Chandleresque parody featured the Warner Bros. as private eyes and Hello Nurse, naturally, as the femme fatale. Hi jinx, as they saying goes, ensued.

On the body front, my shoulder really aches from yesterday's physical therapy. The therapist massaged, kneaded and stretched various cuffs, muscles, and joints to loosen the pinched tendon. Clearly, not so easy. Plus there was homework.

As to walking, that's out this weekend. The knee is sore and needs icing. And so, back to the keyboard to finish up a short story as rain falls gently outside and the neighborhood youth serenade the block with a symphony of bass-heavy rap and horn honking.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Almost a Pasadena Pacer

Saturday, I will attempt to hang with a group of walkers. I'm not sure how many miles they plan on doing, but I'm gone at the first sign of knee pain. The walkers are associated with the Pasadena Pacers, a local running club who, most importantly, don't charge any dues. I'm keen to see how my knee reacts to, say, three miles at a modest pace. Not much in the grand scheme of marathons and ultramarathons, but a worthy start. And free. I mentioned that?

Friday, January 22, 2010


Visited my old doctor, re. a shoulder pain. He's a distance runner and we talked the Honolulu Marathon and running form. He was down with my plan of: 1. Acquire proficiency in chi walking. 2. Lose 20 pounds. 3. Slowly integrate chi running into chi walking. Link 4. Continue strengthening my quads and glutes. 5. Perhaps work my way up to running 3 miles by this fall. (Guided, as always, by how well my knee holds up.) This I shall do. In fact, here it is: I will run the Chapman University 5K in October. Not only is it a fall race, but you get a tech tee-shirt, medal, and timing chip - a veritable BMW of 5Ks. My doc hadn't a clue about my shoulder, so it's back to physical therapy. But they all remember me there, so it'll be a small homecoming.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hail, Donner and Blitzen

That would describe the weather during today's walk. With uncanny timing, I started exercise just as hail fell, followed by a downpour plus the above-named thunder and lightning. You can only be so wet at any one time, so I pressed on and finished. It was, however, the fastest walk I've done to date.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...