Saturday, December 22, 2018

eStocking Stuffers That Will CHANGE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE PERHAPS!!

Your JP Mac stocking stuffers may be found at Amazon. (Most people want the Merry Christmas mug.)

Fun Fast Holiday Reads!

Pardon the click-baity head. I've been spending too much time online. But not all ethings are wasteful and vain. Note the above ebooks. One tells the tale of a man's battle with cancer and a confusing medical system, while the other chronicles a man's struggle to decide justice in an annoying criminal case.  Both are written in a humorous vein, making sport of the darker elements of our existence. 

Pleasing eBooks!

These non-fiction stories are low-cost, high quality and just right for a last minute present. Purchase them together. (A $4.00 value.) There is no discount for doing so, but don't be bullied by the loss leader of others. Do it because you have purchasing power! Whatever you decide, happy holidays to you, and to you, a Merry Christmas as well. 

1 comment:

Authors 4 Characters said...

Hi JP. 🖐

Okay, you win! With all the Christmas hubbub over, I could do with a good read and I love humor, especially if there's depth to it.

Dealing with the dark side of human experience, humor is not only helpful, it's a sanity saver. I'll be purchasing both books with the new year. It'll give me a good start.

Happy New Year!

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