Thursday, December 01, 2011

"Fresh Ideas" Bound for Spring Reprint

A dark tale of a man who gives fate a tiny assist in order to advance in business, my short story, "Fresh Ideas," will be included in the Spring 2012 anthology Uncle John's Flush Fiction.

The Uncle John's publishing empire was founded on the belief that short, interesting and funny articles should be made available to the general public for their toilet-sitting education and amusement.

"Flush Fiction" will be a collection of flash fiction — under a thousand words or about three double-spaced pages — and I'm honored to have made the cut.

Hopefully, you'll enjoy "Fresh Ideas" very soon as mirth is said to ease tortured bowels. Or, at least, it's said by guys with stories coming out in bathroom-themed anthologies.

Image: flickr


Luke said...

As a proud owner of the "Uncle John's Toilet reader" collection, I tell you first hand that this is a prestigious achievement of imfathomable proportions. Congratulations!

JP Mac said...

Thank you, Luke. I'm going with your assessment of Uncle John's literary fare.

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