Thursday, August 19, 2010

Links to Ruegger Art and a Freak/Cosgrove Adventure

Scroll down as Maz envisions a Freakazoid!/Cosgrove adventure. (My only quibble involved the monkeys' fate. I believe they would be dressed as evil scuba divers first.)

In addition:

A few drawings from Sam.

Tom renders Yolko and the life of a Basset Hound.


Maz Zolp said...

Haha! Well, it's not necessarily stated in the story if the monkeys were suited like that or not, so perhaps that may actually be the case. Maybe I'll state that fact in the sequel. If I ever make it. Which I probably won't. All input on the story is grand input!

If the adventure gets pushed down on my tumblr by me posting more crazy things on there, here's the permalink.

takineko said...

HAHA Maz is my hero.

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