Much of the Griffith Park course followed my old running routes. Very nostalgic. Leaving the park, we followed the L.A. River to the Hyperion Bridge, then up into Silver Lake, down Sunset Blvd. to Echo Park, and finally into downtown for the finish. Jerry and Caesar kicked it at the end. I loped in, still basking in my Santa Barbara PR from last month.
I felt tired and stiff most of the run. Still, we all finished in the 2:07 range.
This will be my last race before the marathon in January.
Right now I think I'll nap.
I can't believe you're already scheduled for a marathon. This must mean you're back in the ranks of the Reelly Heeled Feets Peeps. Too totally cool!
Naps, though. Naps are good.
Cold weather like this, you could even cover yourself with a nicely knitted or crocheted afghan type blankety thingy.
Like this guy does:
Thank you.
I share my birthday with Walt Disney, Fritz Lang, and George Armstrong Custer.
Very eclectic company.
And how perfectly fitting.
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