Among other drills, Georgia had me do "rockets" where I exhale jumping up from the bottom of the pool, blowing out my last breath as I break the surface in order not to swallow water. Overall, practice turned out to be a serious cardio workout.

Afterwards I did some aqua jogging. Wearing a flotation belt, you run in the deep end, concentrating on form. After about fifteen minutes, my right knee ached a bit. I called it a session, drove home and iced it.
My goal in swimming is to do lots of laps and not drown.
And not have my trunks fall off.
In time, I'm hoping new goals will suggest themselves.
Those goals are good.
Modest, one might say, in any number of ways.
BTW: I'll send you a jpeg of that medal once Joy gets back in town with the digital camera.
Oh, thank you! I've wanted a look at it.
cool shark, btw.
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