Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The IndieTribe

The IndieTribe

Charlie Bray's website seems stuffed with interesting news, promotions and tips for the self-published scribe. Writer blogs are promoted and there's a log line competition where winners receive free book publicity. Learn about gratis downloads and much more.

Monday, June 17, 2013

My Story in a Lovecraft Rich eBook

Just a reminder to Lovecraft lovers and others that for under a buck you can read old school and new school H.P. all in one handy eBook. My very own "Dagon and Jill" warps up a horror bonanza of mythos-centered tales. (And if you were pleased with your purchase, do comment on Amazon. And if you single out "Dagon and Jill" for special praise, I shall blush like a youth.)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Book Review: The Forgotten Man

The Forgotten Man (Elvis Cole, #10)The Forgotten Man by Robert Crais

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Crais wore me down a bit this time with the constant switch between first/third person. If nothing else, it shows the author at work and intrudes on the pace. The story of private investigator Elivs Cole searching for the killer of a man claiming to be his estranged father was interesting enough. It's a quick exciting read save for the moments when forlorn cop Starkey tries to work up her nerve to bed Cole. Then the tale felt like star-crossed YA romance. That said, Crais adds enough cop stuff to make me believe it's real and mixes his action and clues well enough to keep the pages turning. Worth a peek.  

View all my reviews

Thursday, May 30, 2013

So Long, Jack Vance


As a teen I once read an Ace Pocketbook my dad left lying around entitled Eyes of the Overworld. This fantasy tale was set on a future Earth beneath a weak red sun threatening to wink out momentarily. Life is precarious in this dangerous time when science and magic have crossbred. "Overworld" chronicles the doings of a crafty rogue named Cugel who burns every bridge he crosses and often falls prey to his overly clever schemes.

I rushed through the book, then read it again, the writing so compelling, the language so rich and unique, that I immediately became a fan of Jack Vance.

Vance was born the same year as my father and died Sunday at age 96. For over sixty years he wrote science fiction, fantasy and mysteries. He  won Hugo awards for The Dragon Masters and The Last Castle back in the day—both favorites. But my top Vance tales  remained those such as "Overworld," set in a time called The Dying Earth.

As authors go, Vance was quite a character. A blue collar guy who lived in Oakland, California, he believed the sci fi author's role should be muted in terms of publicity so as not to impose his personality between the reader and the world the author had created. He claimed to be in it for the money and never read science fiction.

fabledlands.blogspot.com -

 Looking back on my own stories, I often find a turn-of-phrase, an ironic description, a subtle underselling of scene or character that are stamped into my writing genes thanks to many decades of reading Jack Vance.

So journey well, Jack. You were a guy who just wanted to turn a buck telling tales.

I should be so fortunate.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...