Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Day for Green Activism

Don Rickles once described the Irish as "a wonderful people. Their lives consist of beer and parades." Ah, but he forgot poetry and grumbling. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!
Image: Caplan Miller

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pitch Fest 2011

Nice long meeting today with the agent as we caucused over my ten ideas for animated TV shows. Several candidates were discarded because they did not fit the current industry meme. (Shows must contain "wish fulfillment" or "bowel empowerment"...something.) These TV animation memes are adopted by executives and often seem artificial and contrived yet have the unofficial force of law—like dress codes among teenage girls. Minus the current meme, you have little chance of even setting a meeting to pitch, let alone getting a development deal for your weird memeless idea.

Eventually, we settled on two ideas for kids' TV animation, one concept for adult animation and one idea we decided worked better as a book. (Another stinking book!) Except for the book, which I need to outline, I'll have to flesh out the animation ideas such as describing the rules of each world. (King of the Hill or "Spongebob?") In keeping with our newest tradition, my agent chose a deadline in which I must deliver her back the updated material. (Ten days from now.)

This means I must up my game a notch. The marketing writing leaves me really weary and not wanting to WRITE ANYTHING including emails and Facebook posts. But if I want to start something rolling again I either need to push myself at day's end or arise earlier and put in two hours or so on my own stuff then buckle up and crank out the ads.

It's like training for a marathon. Not always fun, but you suck it up and go. And so I will.

Prayers and best wishes to the Japanese as they struggle through a jumbo catastrophe.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Preparing to Pitch the TV Animation Industry

With my marketing side-job and assembling a host of animated TV series ideas for my agent. ("Host" in this case being 10.) After a few years on the shelf, I'll be reengaging with the animation industry in a more systematic way than resenting not having a job. Next week or the week after, the pitch meetings begin. Meanwhile, the marketing copy sings out its non-siren call, but a strong call nonetheless.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

My Roger Eschbacher Plug

We used to work together back at Warner Bros. Now Roger and I have become bookish fellows, with literary wares to market. (Mine are still theoretical. Roger has actually completed something.) Stop by Roger's blog and find out more about his books. In addition, his site The Novel Project has good general info for writers in all stages of their careers.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

AI Extra

On the subject of impending rule by pitiless robot overlords, here's a revealing look at how the clankers hope to hijack our fish. Hopefully, Starkist will discover this method first and lead fish to their proper destination—the tummies of Mankind.

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John P. McCann Sizzle Page

'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...