Saturday, September 18, 2010

Review: Devil

High concept: people trapped in an elevator and one of them is the Devil. Now add a game of Spin the Bottle and you have the ingredients for a top-notch horror/thriller, produced by suspense king M. Night Shyamalan. Directed by the Dowdle Brothers, the film's use of Satan in a simple childhood activity undermines innocence and reveals the dark side of humanity. Featuring a cast of little-known actors, the movie unfolds in a Philadelphia office building. Five people stuck in an elevator unmask one of their own as the Devil. Waiting for rescue, they grow bored and spin the Devil around on the floor. Whoever his horns point to when he stops must tell a sin. The Devil promises to reward the biggest sinner with political power, gold and carbon off-sets. However, all the spinning makes the Devil ill. Suffering from motion sickness, the Father of Lies upchucks inside the elevator. The horrified passengers now learn that Satan had tangerines for lunch. Brian Nelson's 75-minute script, with a story credit by suspense king M. Night Shyamalan, keeps you on the edge of your seat and will do to elevators what Psycho did to shower stalls. Rated PG-13 for language and depicting citrus fruit as disgusting.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Commence to Read

Ever grown up? Started something? Opened a door for the first time? Check out the writing at Dysfunctional Beginnings and give yourself a fresh start.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Latest Writing Formula

I've finished the next part of the novel's first draft. It comes out to exactly 27,522 words. Throw in my original story and you've got about 150 pages of mostly junk. I'll take a wee break, then write the last section. I've stopped trying to craft coherent sentences and have settled on a method that is part writing, part outline, part stream-of-consciousness, and a lot of notes to myself. In any case, like the erosion of the Rocky Mountains, I'm getting there.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Cthulhu Con A'Coming

A film festival devoted entirely to all things Lovecraft. This weekend in LA and October 1 - 3 in Portland. Having just sold a Lovecraft-inspired short story to Necrotic Tissue, I'm thinking of heading down there and hobnobbing with my fellow Lovecraftians. The event motto is: "The only festival that understands." Ieeeee to that.

via Mike M. on Facebook
Video: mikeboas

Review: Machete

A breathtaking film, Machete is director Robert Rodriguez homage to beloved children’s tale Charlotte’s Web. Set in the southwest, the film employs the subtle storytelling and layered characterizations that have built Rodriguez’s reputation as the David Lean of Texas. Teen heartthrob Danny Trejo portrays Machete, a blade-packing, Wilbur-like character. Forced to move about like a runt pig in order to remain alive, Machete lives on the allegorical chopping block. In a deft choice, Rodriguez crafts a web of racism and corruption that only Machete can slice. Rotten Senator McLaughlin (Robert DeNiro) is the anti-Charlotte. He is assisted by Michael Booth (Jeff Fahey), a hate-filled businessman who kills illegal immigrants and grinds their bones into bone powder. But Machete has his own Templeton the Rat—Shé (Rebecca Rodriguez). Shé is a taco-truck driving revolutionary who hopes to reclaim Texas for Mexico. Once back in the right hands, Texas will be transformed into a paradise, modeled after the Swiss-like order and civic honesty of Tijuana. Rich with themes of loyalty and undying friendship, Machete, not surprisingly, includes a scene at the Texas State Fair. There, Machete wins a blue ribbon for throwing knives at a spinning target on which is tied a pretty girl in tights (Lindsay Lohan). I believe E.B. White would heartily approve.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...