Friday, August 29, 2008

Review of Freakazoid DVD

Second-season DVD interviews are back on track, with shooting slated for sometime in October. Meanwhile, here's a review of the first DVD from "The Stuff We Like."

Monday, August 25, 2008

Coaches Mugging It Up

Coach Dave and I instruct new runners in proper finish line form. No matter how tired you are, play it up big for the cameras.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Practice Three Plus Me

A child's run yesterday for the Winter Team — 3.1 miles. Coach Alfredo and I again were assigned pace assessments. Four new members were sent on their way, walking and running around the Rose Bowl. Meanwhile, the fall team held a half-marathon for the rest of Greater L.A. Team in Training plus alumni. Big honking turn-out! Raul, FJ, Coach Katie, Sean and numerous other running chums sped by as I searched for our new guys amid the press of Rose Bowl exercise traffic. All were found and received official times plus a valuable TNT water bottle.

My own step-back week began today with 12 miles. I ran a Pasadena Pacer six-mile, out-and-back course. Begin at the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center, run up Salvia Canon to Linda Vista then up some more into the Flintridge Hills. Continue along rolling streets to Fairlawn Ave. (across from Desconso Gardens), then back. The course resembles the letter "M" with a steep uphill, down, up, down. Finished a bit ahead of schedule, drenched in sweat. Stretched out under California Oaks, humming with yellow jackets.

Now I'll ice something or the other.

Aw, Nut Bunnies!

Some uninspired running by the U.S. Dathan Ritzenheim and Ryan Hall finished 9 and 10 in the Olympic Marathon. The Africans started hot, on a 2:05 pace. (Samuel Wanjiru, the winning Kenyan, broke a 24-year Olympic marathon record by three minutes.) Hall, Ritzenheim and teammate Brian Sell hung back, then hung back further, then crept up a little, then crossed the finish line behind the three medalists and five other guys.

I think I would've preferred seeing someone crash and burn, picking off runners, trying to win, then playing it so cool they freeze themselves out of contention. You're left with the sense that our marathoners are either thoroughly outclassed or didn't try.

Better luck in 2012.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Family That Blogs Together . . .

My sister, Mary Pat, has joined the blogging community. Give her a read as she opines on matters great and small from the moist Northwest.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Been There, Broke That

American marathon ace Deena Kastor broke a foot two miles into last Sunday's Olympic Marathon. In 2006, I experienced something similar. Granted, the Santa Anita 5K and the Olympics aren't often mentioned in the same breath, but I can emphasize with the feelings that accompany a goal-wrecking injury. The interview here is a bit long. Besides marathoners (and those who enjoy a good wall fountain), the clip should interest anyone wishing to hone a winning attitude. In any case, all the best to Deena Kastor. I know she'll return in championship form.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sultry Deju Va on a Long Run

Arising late yet again, I ran 16.8 miles. The first half on a very steep course was a study in smooth, even hill running. I made expert use of fast foot turnover to speed up on the downhills and finished a minute under pace time. By now, the sun and humidity decided to weigh in. After a hot .8 miles to my car, I loaded up on more water and electrolyte juice before setting out on the second eight.

Here is a selection of thoughts in unshaded regions: Why don't I cut it short today? I could shorten my run/walk ratio. I should walk. I should really walk. What's the big deal? I had a great first half. I don't really want to qualify for Boston this year. A nice new PR will be great. I should walk the last mile so I don't get heat exhaustion.

Still and all, I finished well for the conditions — a minute above pace time. I went to the grocery store for ice and overbought on food. This always happens. I should never set foot in a grocery store after a long run without eating something first.

Now, time for an unpleasant, yet bracing, ice bath.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...