Ancient Blogging: 2005
Yes, the Internet Existed Then
I was living in a house and training for my first marathon. I'd been blogging for ten days at this point and didn't think much of it. Here's what I had to say:
This morning I met some chums from Team in Training. We ran a 5K (3.1 mile) race in La CaƱada, a northern LA suburb. I'd driven through there several times. The little hills sloped gradually, so it appeared. I predicted EZ running.
Oh, they were sly, unpleasant hills. Steeper than they looked. Finish-time eaters. If it were possible, I'd cuff them sharply.
This was very much a neighborhood race: families, parents with strollers, teenage girls running five across, and people running with leashed dogs — which I don't get. Walk the dog or run the race.
Later, Ronald MacDonald — clown, spokesman, bon vivant — led youngsters in a warm up prior to a children's race. After that, a child warmed up Ronald MacDonald prior to a fast food spokesman's race.
In any event, Happy Thanksgiving!
Despite sore arthritic knees, I'm grateful for the many good things in my life. And I still wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!