Yes, DEI with an A added.
YouTube Channel Film Threat invites on a working Hollywood writer to explain the death of quality now inbound with Amazon Prime's new extensive mandates for script Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and ACCESSIBILITY. (The Society for Diversity provides pithy definitions.)
A small spoiler: I think the hosts and writer miss the point. They keep pointing out how none of the Inhuman Resource mandarins enforcing the rules have any Hollywood experience. That's a feature, not a bug, with DEIA. Since the point is perpetual friction between squabbling child-like victim groups with government as Daddy, then the less experience you have in a trade, the better. You won't be sidetracked by any lingering memories of craft or excellence.
I do agree there will be a boom in the indie film market. Stories that appeal to the human condition, and not boilerplate Maoist shit screeds, will triumph in the end.
Check it out.