Friday, March 13, 2020

Indochina History Break Revisited

Check upper left hand corner. World Atlas

Fourteen Years Later, Procrastination Wins Again

Back in the day, to avoid arduous writing tasks, as well as training for a marathon, I took a break to write up a brief history of the battle of Dien Bien Phu, it being March 13 and the anniversary of the opening salvos. Here is what I jotted down then:

Today marks the 52nd anniversary of the Viet Minh attack on the French garrison at Dien Bien Phu — a remote valley in northern Vietnam near the border with Laos. The Viet Minh were an umbrella group of Vietnamese nationalists under the leadership of communist Ho Chi Minh. They had been fighting the colonial French, and other Vietnamese nationalist groups, since 1946.

The French viewed their position in a flat valley surrounded by hills as an offensive base. From there they would venture out and cut the Viet Minh supply lines, preempting an attack on Laos. As a result of this outlook, the garrison never outposted the hills. They'd be attacking and, besides, it was impossible for the Vietnamese to haul any significantt artillery up there.

Unaware of French opinion, the Vietnameses went ahead and hauled heavy artillery up onto the hills along with daunting amounts of anti-aircraft guns. On March 13, they let loose a barrage, followed by a human wave attack that engulfed a French strongpoint manned by crack Foreign Legionnaires. The fight was on.

French troops entrenched. ThoughtCo

For the next several months, while peace talks droned on in Geneva, the Vietnamese strangled the French. All French supplies had to come by parachute. The planes—many flown by American contract pilots— braved intense flak dropping their cargo. As the garrison was compressed, the drop zone grew smaller. Food and ammunition ran short. Meanwhile, generous supplies from nearby communist China—including American ordinance captured in Korea— enabled the Viet Minh to bombard their opponents at will.

Despite horrendous casualties, the Viet Minh seized one French strongpoint after another. Finally, on May 7, 1954, it ended. The French surrendered. Over 10,000 men marched into captivity, many of whom died in Viet Minh prison camps. French colonial rule in Vietnam and Laos ended. In 1955, Vietnam was partitioned into a communist north and a non-communist south along the 17th parallel.

Now back to running and writing stuff.

Sixty-six years have now passed and the valley appears to be something of a tourist stop. For a better short summary of the battle, try here. And while I'm considering another marathon, much writing awaits my hand today. 

And yet, I repost. 

C'est la guerre.


Authors 4 Characters said...

This doesn't say much for my knowledge of world events, but I never even heard of the war you mention. The word Viet of course put me in mind of Viet Nam, but I was too young for that to have any great impact on me.

As always, enjoy the writing but don't over-do. With all the fuss 'n bother with this Covid 19 , they might not even do it. Unless of course that marathon includes a sprint to the nearest giant shopping mart for toilet paper. What the Bleeeep is going on with that!!!

DO continue with the writing! I'm loving the latest re-read of The Little Book of Big Enlightenment. So much so that I embarrassed myself at a coffee shop upon reading something about fondling a sea urchin. 😂

Your literary 'grudge match' with the esteemed Guru Tollhaus may not have done much to elevate my spiritual awareness, but it's done my mood all the good in the world. Thank you! So keep scribbling!

JP Mac said...

Post WW 2, France sought to retain colonial status over what-was-called Indochina. (Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.) Giving Cambodia their freedom, France battled a coalition of groups, including the communists, under Ho Chi Minh. (This is between 1946 and 1954.) In 1954, the French and Viet Minh fought the battle described with the corresponding results.

Thank you for your kind words on "Little :Book." People either get it or they don't.

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