Sunday, April 05, 2015

Solemn Easter 2015

Image: Great Wallpapers
As I attend services today, I will be grateful my church is in Los Angeles and not Kenya or Nigeria or Iraq, or Egypt where Muslim fanatics cull out the Christians for slaughter. In certain places, Christianity carries a heavy price tag. What does my faith cost me on this warm sunny day in Southern California? My prayers go out for the repose of the souls of the dead in those lands, and their families. It's the least I can do, which seems to be my default religious position. That's probably why Barabbas is my favorite Easter film.

I'm exhausted from the last six weeks of multiple projects. However, a fine soft cover version of Fifty Shades of Zane Grey will be available by the end of this week on Amazon. Those of you who don't cotton to Kindle devices will be able to grasp a fine paper version—a real book, if you will—filled with English words in pleasing arrangements.

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