Thursday, October 11, 2012

"Bummed Out" Accepted for Publication

Darkness by Commons@OEN
 My short story "Bummed Out" was accepted for publication in an anthology entitled The Darkness Within. For the last two years I've been recycling the same three published tales into various print and eBook venues. It feels excellent and swell to finally land an original piece. "Bummed Out" is not my usual dark humor. This time it's just dark, telling a tale of crime, teenage brutality and poetic justice. Updates may be found here or on Facebook at Indigo Mosaic Publishing.


Rafa Rivas said...

Do you get an all-McCann compilation after six of those babies? (in other words, does it work like Subway?).

...Or maybe a McCann and friends.

So far, I've only read Fresh Ideas and Death Honk. Both awesome, but Fresh is like tattooed in my mind (likely because I think, as a foreigner, I didn't get many concepts of Honk).

Dagon and Jill sounds appealing. And now I know you're a Lovecraft fan, ha, ha. Vorn is one of my favorites.

One medium in which I'd love to see your writing is comics. Mainstream or indie, either way. However, I think indie would work so well if you use your dark humor.

JP Mac said...

Possibly an all-McCann compilation would cry out for eBook.

You are indeed correct. Vorn was drawn directly from Cthulhu and his many elder friends.

Bless you. I would love to explore an indie comic. I've got a few stories that have just the right visual touch. But, alas, the time is not right.

Thanks for reading my stuff, Rafa.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...