Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ducking the Issue

Moon Rocket's Darkwing Tower offers a collection of original and fanpic art, heavy on the Darkwing. (Photo: cartoongalleries...)


takineko said...

That show has a large fan base, maybe I shouldn't be surprised. Great show!

Keeper said...

That show is like an American version of Paperinik/PKNA only without the duck being Donald in disguise.

I've always found it strange that Paperinik was never marketed in the U.S. (or any English-language market), though it's an enormously popular Disney franchise elsewhere, having been around since the 1960s.

Did the creators of Darkwing Duck not know about Paperinik, or did they want to do Paperinik but Disney thought the U.S. market wouldn't accept Donald as a masked superhero (or did they assume no one would be able to understand his speech well enough for him to be the main character?).

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