Wednesday, December 19, 2007

His Brain's Overloading

Freakazoid! was the most fun I've had writing animation. A DVD of the first season will be released soon. Not that I'll see a cent, but it sure was a blast.


k said...

All right.

I guess this might be one of those *normal* Hollywood deals - mysterious as it sounds to me. But because it IS mysterious, and since I never give a rat's behind if I'm embarrassing myself by displaying my ignorance:

WHY do you not see a penny of it?

k said...

This guy's hair thing, here. You know what it reminds me of?

Remember when - what was his name, Ray or Ralph perhaps? - after his wife died, and he started wearing her wigs to work when he came in to pick up his paycheck on his day off. Drunk as a skunk.


He always loved to watch me work, and he'd tell me I'd make a great wife. *Work so hard! Dat's guud!*

JP Mac said...

Ray Whalon (sp?) was the name.

Catching walleyes was his game.

And his favorite expression: "Oh, hey now."

k said...

Ah yes! I'd forgotten, and now I wonder how I could have, it sounds so familiar.

He played the concertina too. One day I committed the near-fatal sin of accidentally calling it an accordion.

ya hey!

My very first day on the job was a Sunday, and that's the first time I met Ray. There were only a few people working that day. And the Chicago Nazis were, perhaps, going to have that march they worked so hard for.

If they succeeded in getting the permit to march, Ray was supposed to pull up all the corner mailboxes. He told me all about how he could do that all by himself, even though they weighed up to about 500 pounds. Bragging on how strong he was.

The point of pulling up the boxes was this: If the Nazis marched, someone may have been inspired to put a bomb in a mailbox. Wait for good ol' Frankie Collin to walk by - and detonate.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...